Monitor Auth0 Using System Center Operations Manager

Monitor Auth0 Using System Center Operations Manager

You can monitor Auth0 as a standard web application using System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) or any tool that supports synthetic transactions. We recommend adding a synthetic login transaction that includes the extensions your applications rely on (such as rules that execute custom code for integration with your company's other services).

Set up SCOM

  1. Add a new SCOM instance using the Add Monitoring Wizard:

    Field Description
    Name Description name for the SCOM instance.
    Description Description of what this SCOM instance monitors.
    Select destination management pack Default Management Pack
    When finished, click Next to continue.

  2. Click Add to enter the URLs you want SCOM to monitor. When finished, click Next to continue.

  3. Click Add to set up a location from which you want to monitor.

  4. In the pop-up dialog, search for Internal location - Agent. Select the appropriate address, and click Add. Then click Ok to finish selecting the location. When finished, click Next to continue.

  5. Set the frequency with which SCOM collects data from each endpoint:

    Data Frequency
    Test frequency 60 seconds
    Performance data collection interval 60 seconds
    Test time-out 30 seconds
    HTTP status code Greater than or equals 400

  6. When finished, click Next to continue.

Run SCOM tests

  1. Click Run Test to test each endpoint and ensure that the connection settings provided are correct.

  2. Once you have finished configuring your SCOM instance, you can view activity through the Monitoring tab.

Review test results

Click Web Application Status to bring up the information SCOM has gathered.

Learn more