Add Login to your React Native App

This Quickstart is for the React Native framework. To integrate Auth0 into your Expo application, please refer to the Expo Quickstart

To use Auth0 services, you must have an application set up in the Auth0 Dashboard. The Auth0 application is where you will configure authentication in your project.

Configure an application

Use the interactive selector to create a new Auth0 application or select an existing application that represents the project you want to integrate with. Every application in Auth0 is assigned an alphanumeric, unique client ID that your application code will use to call Auth0 APIs through the SDK.

Any settings you configure using this quickstart will automatically update for your Application in the Dashboard, which is where you can manage your Applications in the future.

To explore a complete configuration, review the sample application in your Dashboard.

Configure Callback URLs

A callback URL is the application URL that Auth0 will direct your users to once they have authenticated. If you do not set this value, Auth0 will not return users to your application after they log in.

Configure Logout URLs

A logout URL is the application URL Auth0 will redirect your users to once they log out. If you do not set this value, users will not be able to log out from your application and will receive an error.

In this section, you will install the React Native Auth0 module.


yarn add react-native-auth0

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npm install react-native-auth0 --save

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Additional iOS step: install the module Pod

CocoaPods is the iOS package management tool the React Native framework uses to install itself into your project. For the iOS native module to work with your iOS app, first install the library Pod. If you're familiar with older React Native SDK versions, this is similar to the previous linking a native module. The process is now simplified:

Change directory into the ios folder and run pod install.

cd ios
pod install

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First, you must provide a way for your users to log in. We recommend using the Auth0 hosted login page.

Universal Login

Configure Android

Open the build.gradle file in your application directory (typically at android/app/build.gradle) and add the following manifest placeholders. The value for auth0Domain should contain your Auth0 application settings as configured above.

android {
    defaultConfig {
        // Add the next line
        manifestPlaceholders = [auth0Domain: "{yourDomain}", auth0Scheme: "${applicationId}"]

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Configure iOS

In the file ios/<YOUR PROJECT>/ add the following:

#import <React/RCTLinkingManager.h>

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app openURL:(NSURL *)url
            options:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey, id> *)options
  return [RCTLinkingManager application:app openURL:url options:options];

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Next, add a URLScheme using your App's bundle identifier.

In the ios folder, open the Info.plist and locate the value for CFBundleIdentifier


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Below this value, register a URL type entry using the value of CFBundleIdentifier as the value for the CFBundleURLSchemes.


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In a later step, you will use this value to define the callback URLs below. You can change it using XCode with the following steps:

  • Open the ios/<YOUR PROJECT>.xcodeproj file or run xed ios on a Terminal from the app root.
  • Open your project's or desired target's Build Settings tab and find the section that contains "Bundle Identifier".
  • Replace the "Bundle Identifier" value with your desired application's bundle identifier name.

For additional information please read react native docs.

The useAuth0 hook relies on a React Context to provide state management. The Auth0Provider component provides this context.

Import the useAuth0 hook and Auth0Provider component from the react-native-auth0 package:

import {useAuth0, Auth0Provider} from 'react-native-auth0';

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For the SDK to function correctly, wrap your application in the Auth0Provider component and set the following properties:

  • domain: The domain of your Auth0 tenant. Generally, you can find this in the Auth0 Dashboard under your Application's Settings in the Domain field. If you are using a custom domain, you should set this to the value of your custom domain instead.
  • clientId: The ID of the Auth0 Application you set up earlier in this quickstart. You can find this in the Auth0 Dashboard under your Application's Settings in the Client ID field.

You just configured the Auth0Provider component. Run your application to verify that:

  • the SDK is initializing correctly
  • your application is not throwing any errors related to Auth0

Authenticate the user by calling the authorize method provided by the useAuth0 hook. This method redirects the user to the Auth0 Universal Login page for authentication, then back to your app.

To confirm the user successfully logged in, check that the user property provided by the hook is not null.


Add a button component that calls authorize when clicked. Verify that you are redirected to the login page and then back to your application.

To log the user out, redirect them to the Auth0 log out endpoint by calling clearSession. This will remove their session from the authorization server and log the user out of the application.


Add a button that calls clearSession and observe that you are redirected to the Auth0 logout endpoint and back again. You should no longer be logged in to your application.

The useAuth0 hook exposes a user object that contains information about the authenticated user. You can use this to access decoded user profile information about the authenticated user from the ID token.

If a user has not been authenticated, this property will be null.


Log in and inspect the user property on the result. Verify the current user's profile information, such as email or name.

Next Steps

Excellent work! If you made it this far, you should now have login, logout, and user profile information running in your application.

This concludes our quickstart tutorial, but there is so much more to explore. To learn more about what you can do with Auth0, check out:

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Sign Up

Sign up for an or to your existing account to integrate directly with your own tenant.