Identity Providers

Identity Providers

Introduction to the various sources of users for applications, including identity providers, databases, and passwordless authentication methods.

A connection is the relationship between Auth0 and a source of users, which may include external Identity Providers (such as Google or LinkedIn), databases, or passwordless authentication methods. Auth0 sits between your application and its sources of users, which adds a level of abstraction, so your application is isolated from any changes to and idiosyncrasies of each source's implementation.

By default, Auth0 automatically syncs user profile data with each user login, thereby ensuring that changes made in the connection source are automatically updated in Auth0. You can disable synchronization to allow for updating profile attributes from your application.

You can configure any number of connections for your applications.

Read... To learn...                                
Social Identity Providers About the external social Identity Providers supported by Auth0.
Enterprise Identity Providers About the external enterprise Identity Providers supported by Auth0.
Legal Identity Providers About the external legal Identity Providers supported by Auth0.
Pass Parameters to Identity Providers How to pass provider-specific parameters to an Identity Provider during authentication.
Call an Identity Provider API How to call an external Identity Provider's API.
Add Scopes/Permissions to Call Identity Provider APIs How to work with scopes when calling an external Identity Provider's API.
View Connections How to view the configured connections for your application using the Auth0 Dashboard.
Retrieve Connection Options How to retrieve the options object for a connection using Auth0's Management API.
Promote Connections to Domain Level How to allow third-party applications to use a connection when your tenant has Dynamic Client Registration enabled.
Test Partner Connections How partners can test connections.