Incorporate Deploy CLI into Build Environment

Incorporate Deploy CLI into Build Environment

Auth0 offers a Deploy CLI tool that we recommend you incorporate into your build system. The Deploy CLI tool allows you to:

  • Deploy using the command line

  • Create a repository to store your deployment configuration

  • Create a set of configuration files for each environment (e.g., development, production)

  • Have a deployment build for each environment that updates a local copy of the deployment configuration repository on your continuous integration server

Auth0 tenant layout

We recommend that you have a separate Auth0 tenant/account for each environment you have. For example, you might have the following environments and Auth0 tenants:

Environment Tenant
Development travel0-dev
Testing travel0-uat
Staging travel0-staging
Production travel0-prod

Your deploy configuration repository

Your configuration repository should contain a specific set of files based on how you've chosen to import/export your tenant configuration information:

You should have at least one branch for each tenant/account in your repository, which allows you to make changes without deploying them (the changes would only deploy when you merged your branch into the master, or primary, branch). With this setup, you can have a continuous integration task for each environment that automatically deploys changes to the targeted environment whenever the master branch receives updates.

Your workflow would, therefore, look something like this:

  1. Make changes to development.

  2. Merge changes to testing (or uat).

  3. Test changes to uat. When ready, move and merge the changes to staging.

  4. Test staging. When ready, move and merge the changes to production.

You may want to set your production environment to deploy only when triggered manually.

Your continuous integration (CI) server configuration

The deploy task should do the following:

  1. Update the local repository to include the latest changes (each environment should have its own branch of the repository that can later be merged with other branches)

  2. If there are changes, call a0deploy.

  3. Run a suite of tests to confirm that the configuration is working.

  4. (Optional) Merge to next branch (e.g., development to uat or uat to staging).

Use keyword mappings to handle differences between the environments

You should not have to store differences between environments in the Deploy Configuration Repository. Use the keyword mappings to allow the repository to be environment agnostic, and save the differences in the separate config.json files for each environment on the CI server.

To learn more, see Deploy CLI Tool Environment Variables and Keyword Mappings.

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