Filter Log Events

Filter Log Events

You can filter logs for errors, warnings, and success events in the Dashboard when you click the Filter down arrow.

Error event filters

Filter Description
Block Account IP blocked for >10 failed attempts to login to single account
Blocked IP Address IP blocked for >100 failed login attempts or >50 signup attempts
Breached password Attempted login with a leaked password
Device Confirmation Canceled by User User did not confirm device
Error sending MFA Push Notification Push notification for MFA failed
Error sending MFA SMS SMS for MFA failed
Failed API Operation Operation on API failed
Failed Change Email Failed to change user email
Failed Change Password Failed to change user password
Failed Change Password Request Change password request failed
Failed Change Phone Number Failed to change user phone number
Failed Change Username Failed to change username
Failed Connector Provisioning Failed to provision a AD/LDAP connector
Failed Delegation Failed to generate delegation token
Failed Exchange Token Exchange
Failed Exchange Native Socal Login
Failed Exchange Authorization Code for Access Token
Failed Exchange Client Credentials for Access Token
Failed Exchange Password for Access Token
Failed Exchange Refresh Token for Access Token
Failed Exchange Password and OOB Challenge for Access Token
Failed Exchange Password and OTP Challenge for Access Token
Failed Exchange Password and MFA Recovery code for Access Token
Failed Exchange Device Code for Access Token
Failed Login User failed to login
Failed Login (invalid email/username) User failed to login due to invalid username
Failed Login (wrong password) User failed to login due to invalid password
Failed Logout User logout failed
Failed Post Change Password Hook Post-change password hook failed
Failed Post User Registration Hook Post user registration hook failed
Failed Sending Notification Failed to send email notification
Failed Signup Sign up failed
Failed Silent Auth Silent authentication failed
Failed User Deletion User deletion failed
Failed Verification Email Failed to send verification email
Failed Verification Email Request Failed to process verification email request
Failed CORS Origin is not in the Allowed Origins list for the specified application
Failed by Connector AD/LDAP Connector Failure
Failed cross origin authentication Cross-origin authentication failed
Failed device activation Failed to activate device
Failed device authorization request Device authorization request failed
MFA Enrollment start failed Multi-factor authentication enroll failed
OTP Auth failed One-time password authentication failed
OTP Auth rejected One-time password authentication rejected
Rate Limit on API Maximum number of requests to the Authentication API in given time has been reached
Recovery failed Multi-factor recovery code failed
Second factor email failed Email for MFA failed
Too Many Calls to /delegation Rate limt exceeded to /delegation endpoint
Too Many Calls to /userinfo Rate limit exceeded to /userinfo endpoint
Too Many Invalid Device Codes Rate limit exceeded for invalid device codes

Warning event filters

Filter Description
Deprecation Notice Feature is deprecated
Too many failures Multi-factor OTP has failed too many times
Too many failures Mutli-factor recovery code has failed too many times
Users import Failed to import users
Warning During Login Warnings during login

Success event filters

Filter Description
API Operation API operation completed successfully
API Read Operation API GET operation returning secrets completed successfully
Account unblocked User block setup by anomay detection has been released
Auth0 OS Update Ended Auth0 OS update ended
Auth0 OS Update Started Auth0 OS update started
Auth0 Update Ended Auth0 update ended
Auth0 Update Launched New version of Auth0 released
Auth0 Update Started Auth0 update started
Code Sent Passwordess login code has been sent
Code/Link Sent Passwordless lgoin code/link has been sent
Configuration read PSaaS configuration has been read
Configuration status checked PSaaS configuration's status has been checked
Configuration updated PSaaS configuration has been updated
Enroll started Multi-factor authentication enroll has started
MFA enrollment complete Multi-factor authentication enroll has completed
MFA settings update Multi-factor tenant settings updated
Module switch Multi-factor module switched
OTP Auth Succeed One-time password authentication success
Push notification sent Push notification for MFA successfully sent
Recovery succeed Multi-factor recovery code succeeded authorization
SMS Sent SMS for MFA sent successfully sent
Second factor email sent Email for MFA successfully sent
Second factor started Second factor authentication event started for MFA
Success Change Email Email changed successfully
Success Change Password Password changed successfully
Success Change Password Request Change password request succeeded
Success Change Phone Number Phone number changed successfully
Success Change Username Username changed successfully
Success Delegation Delegation token generated successfully
Success Exchange Authorization Code for Access Token
Success Exchange Client Credentials for Access Token
Success Exchange Password for Access Token
Success Exchange Refresh Token for Access Token
Success Exchange Token Exchange
Success Exchange Native Social Login
Success Exchange Password and OOB Challenge for Access Token
Success Exchange Password and OTP Challenge for Access Token
Success Exchange Password and MFA Recovery code for Access Token
Success Exchange Device Code for Access Token
Success Login Successful Login
Success Logout User successfully logged out
Success Post Change Password Hook Post-change password hook ran successfully
Success Signup Successful signup
Success Silent Auth Successful silent authentication
Success Verification Email Successful verification email
Success Verification Email Request Successful verification email request
Success cross origin authentication Successful cross-origin authentication
Successful User Deletion User successfully deleted
Unenroll device account Device used for second factor authentication has been unenrolled
Update device account Device used for second factor authentication has been updated
User delete Deleted multi-factor user account
Users import Successfully imported users

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