Run Pre-Deployment Tests

Run Pre-Deployment Tests

You should run unit and integration tests before deploying Auth0 on a live application or service. Performing tests against Auth0 APIs may lead to your account being rate limited, so we recommend creating mock Auth0 APIs during testing. Depending on your development environment, your test tools may also provide mock API functionality. There are also numerous API mocking tools available, such as MockServer or JSON Server, you can use to quickly create fake APIs for testing.

If you have an Enterprise subscription, you can request load testing against Auth0.

Performance tests

If you encounter issues while conducting performance tests, use the following methods to troubleshoot.

Auth0 Dashboard

The Monitoring > Logs section of the Dashboard stores data on:

  • Actions taken in the Dashboard by administrators

  • Authentications made by your users

There are also extensions that you can use for logging purposes, including exporting logs to third-party tools and gathering information on the use of custom code in your account.

Third-party test tools

There are a number of third-party test tools that you can use for performance testing against RESTful APIs. Here are some options you might consider (note that Auth0 does not endorse any particular product or tool):

These tools provide activity logs that help you identify anything that is concerning. If you need assistance with deciphering your log or identifying the potential issue, please contact Support.

HTTP archive files

If you discover an issue that you can reproduce, we recommend that you create an HTTP archive (HAR) file and send it to our Support team for additional assistance.

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