Auth0 Professional Services

Auth0 Professional Services

The Auth0 Professional Services portfolio consists of innovative, specialized service offerings designed to optimize customers' investments in Auth0. Professional Services help customers deploy, implement, and maintain solutions based on proven practices, avoiding common pitfalls, and reducing risk.

How Professional Services can help with your project

Customers buy software to solve a business problem. The longer it takes to integrate with that software, the longer the business problem remains unsolved. If integration stalls or fails, it’s a lost opportunity and a major additional cost both for you and for Auth0; at worst, it can become an even bigger security issue or legal nightmare. That's why it's of the utmost importance to plan, design, and implement your IAM solution securely, effectively, and expediently. This is where Auth0 Professional Services come in.

Get to production faster

We can help consolidate all the enablement activities leading to a successful adoption into three major milestones; the goal of a Professional Services engagement is to identify, document, and build consensus with you on these milestones as the path to successful Auth0 adoption:

  • Discovery and Design: where our Solution Architects will work with your teams to identify the core goals, features, and functionality that constitute your successful IAM implementation. We'll also help you uncover any legacy architectural issues or design requirements that may need more careful consideration.

  • Initial Go-Live: designed to be impactful enough to make material differences in your overall Identity project. At the same time, it's limited enough that it can be reached quickly—ideally within 30 days of the project start—to keep the positive momentum. Initial Go-Live typically includes migration off a legacy IDP, must-have features, and possibly a subset of all your applications.

  • Advanced Go-Live: this can be easily broken into multiple sub-milestones—especially if you have multiple applications or development teams. This helps manage the complexity of a large project and is designed to help you achieve incremental and steady progress.


Designed to optimize our customers' investment in Auth0, our service offerings provide the proven best practice assistance required to help avoid common pitfalls and reduce risk when tackling the range of activities involved as part of integrating with Auth0:

Read... To learn...                                
Discover and Design How we can help you optimize your architectural design based on your needs.
Implement How you can accelerate your integration with Auth0 through programming advisory, deployment preparatio, and custom implementation.
Maintain and Improve How we can review your identity environment, optimize and improve your solution, and advise you about new features.


Our packages provide our customers with the services they need, in a manner structured to help them engage with our experts in a way that best suits their requirements. Read Professional Services Packages and determine which of them would be a good fit for you.

Contact us to get started!