Lock.swift: Configuration Options

Lock.swift: Configuration Options

There are numerous options to configure Lock's behavior listed below. In addition, there are also quite a few options available to alter Lock's appearance and style in the Style Customization Options page.

Configuring Lock's behavior

Configuration options can be added to your Lock initialization using withOptions.

  .withOptions {
    $0.closable = true
    $0.usernameStyle = [.Username]
    $0.allow = [.Login, .ResetPassword]
  .present(from: self)

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Behavior Options


Allows Lock to be dismissed by the user. By default this is false.

.withOptions {
  $0.closable = true

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Scope used for authentication. By default is openid. It will return not only the Access Token, but also an ID Token which is a JSON Web Token (JWT) containing user information. See the documentation on Scopes for more information about authentication scopes.

.withOptions {
  $0.scope = "openid name email picture"

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Refresh Tokens

Specifying the offline_access scope in your Lock options will allow a Refresh Token to be returned along with the access_token and the id_token. Refresh Tokens can be saved and used to acquire a new Access Token when the old one expires. For more information about using Refresh Tokens for Auth0 authentication, take a look at the reference documentation for the Auth0.Swift SDK, which you would use to implement Refresh Tokens, or at the Swift Quickstart Guide, which provides a comprehensive example of use of Auth0 in Swift development, including the management of Refresh Tokens.


By default Lock will use Auth0's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, but other URLs can be filled in to link to other terms and policies.

.withOptions {
  $0.termsOfService = "https://mycompany.com/terms"
  $0.privacyPolicy = "https://mycompany.com/privacy"

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Show Terms of Service

Database connections display the Terms of Service dialog. Default is true. Note that the Terms of Service will always be shown if the mustAcceptTerms flag is enabled.

.withOptions {
    $0.showTerms = true

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Require users to accept the Terms of Service

Database connection require explicit acceptance of the Terms of Service.

.withOptions {
    $0.mustAcceptTerms = true

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Web Authentication Options


Clock skew used for ID token validation. It expands the time window in which the ID token will still be considered valid, to account for the difference between server time and client time. By default is 60000 milliseconds (60 seconds).

.withOptions {
  $0.leeway = 30000 // 30 seconds

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Allowable elapsed time (in milliseconds) since the user last authenticated. Used for ID token validation. If set, the ID token will contain an auth_time claim with the authentication timestamp. Defaults to nil.

.withOptions {
  $0.maxAge = 86400000 // 1 day

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Database options


Which database screens will be accessible, the default is enable all screens such as .Login, .Signup, .ResetPassword.

.withOptions {
  $0.allow = [.Login, .ResetPassword]

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The first screen to present to the user. The default is .Login, other options include .Signup and ResetPassword.

.withOptions {
  $0.initialScreen = .Login

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Specify the type of identifier the login will require. The default is either: [.Username, .Email], but it can also accept [.Username] or [.Email]. However it's important to note that this option is only active if you have set the requires_username flag to true in your Auth0 Dashboard.

.withOptions {
  $0.usernameStyle = [.Username]

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Custom Signup Fields

When signing up the default information requirements are the user's email and password. You can expand your data capture requirements as needed. Capturing additional signup fields here will store them in the user_metadata, which you can read more about in Metadata. Note that you must specify the icon to use with your custom text field.

.withOptions {
  $0.customSignupFields = [
    CustomTextField(name: "first\_name", placeholder: "First Name", icon: LazyImage(name: "ic_person", bundle: Lock.bundle)),
    CustomTextField(name: "last\_name", placeholder: "Last Name", icon: LazyImage(name: "ic_person", bundle: Lock.bundle))

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You can also specify icons from other bundles, such as in the following example: CustomTextField(name: "slack_handle", placeholder: "Slack Handle", icon: LazyImage(name: "ic_slack", bundle: Bundle(identifier: "CustomBundle")))

Enterprise Options

There are also configuration options specific to Enterprise connections:


By default Enterprise connections will use Web Authentication. However, you can specify which connections will alternatively use credential authentication and prompt for a username and password.

.withOptions {
  $0.enterpriseConnectionUsingActiveAuth = ["enterprisedomain.com"]

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When in credential authentication mode, should the user require their email as an identifier? The default is false, and instead requires a username.

.withOptions {
  $0.activeDirectoryEmailAsUsername = true

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Logging Options

Lock provides options to easily turn on and off logging capabilities, as well as adjust other logging related settings.


By default this is .off, Syslog logging levels are supported.

.withOptions {
  $0.logLevel = .all

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Whether or not to log Auth0.swift API requests. By default this is false.

.withOptions {
  $0.logHttpRequest = true

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Specify logger output handler, by default this uses the print statement.

.withOptions {
  $0.loggerOutput = CleanroomLockLogger()

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In the code above, the loggerOutput has been set to use CleanroomLogger. This can typically be achieved by implementing the loggerOutput protocol. You can of course use your favorite logger library. Below is an example of usage handling logger output with CleanroomLogger.

class CleanroomLockLogger: LoggerOutput {
  func message(_ message: String, level: LoggerLevel, filename: String, line: Int) {
    let channel: LogChannel?
    switch level {
    case .debug:
        channel = Log.debug
    case .error:
        channel = Log.error
    case .info:
        channel = Log.info
    case .verbose:
        channel = Log.verbose
    case .warn:
        channel = Log.warning
        channel = nil
    channel?.message(message, filePath: filename, fileLine: line)

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