CVE-2020-15240: Security Update for omniauth-auth0 JWT Validation

CVE-2020-15240: Security Update for omniauth-auth0 JWT Validation

Published: October 21st, 2020

CVE number: CVE-2020-15240


Versions after and including 2.3.0 are improperly validating the JWT token signature when using the JWTValidator.verify method. Improper validation of the JWT token signature when not using the default Authorization Code Flow can allow an attacker to bypass authentication and authorization.

Am I affected?

You are affected by this vulnerability if all of the following conditions apply:

  • You are using omniauth-auth0

  • You are using JWTValidator.verify method directly OR you are not authenticating using the SDK’s default Authorization Code Flow.

How to fix that?

Upgrade to version 2.4.1.

Will this update impact my users?

The fix provided in this version will not affect your users.