JSON Web Key Set Properties
Here is an example of the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) used by a sample tenant, containing a single JSON Web Key (JWK):
"keys": [
"alg": "RS256",
"kty": "RSA",
"use": "sig",
"x5c": [
"n": "yeNlzlub94YgerT030codqEztjfU_S6X4DbDA_iVKkjAWtYfPHDzz_sPCT1Axz6isZdf3lHpq_gYX4Sz-cbe4rjmigxUxr-FgKHQy3HeCdK6hNq9ASQvMK9LBOpXDNn7mei6RZWom4wo3CMvvsY1w8tjtfLb-yQwJPltHxShZq5-ihC9irpLI9xEBTgG12q5lGIFPhTl_7inA1PFK97LuSLnTJzW0bj096v_TMDg7pOWm_zHtF53qbVsI0e3v5nmdKXdFf9BjIARRfVrbxVxiZHjU6zL6jY5QJdh1QCmENoejj_ytspMmGW7yMRxzUqgxcAqOBpVm0b-_mW3HoBdjQ",
"e": "AQAB",
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Each property in the key is defined by the JWK specification RFC 7517 Section 4 or, for algorithm-specific properties, in RFC 7518].
Property name | Description |
alg |
The specific cryptographic algorithm used with the key. |
kty |
The family of cryptographic algorithms used with the key. |
use |
How the key was meant to be used; sig represents the signature. |
x5c |
The x.509 certificate chain. The first entry in the array is the certificate to use for token verification; the other certificates can be used to verify this first certificate. |
n |
The modulus for the RSA public key. |
e |
The exponent for the RSA public key. |
kid |
The unique identifier for the key. |
x5t |
The thumbprint of the x.509 cert (SHA-1 thumbprint). |
For an example that uses JWKS to verify a JWT's signature, see Navigating RS256 and JWKS (uses Node.js), or check out our Backend/API Quickstarts.