Product Lifecycle

Product Lifecycle

When building Auth0 products, we resolve to

  • Deliver value to customers early and often, iterating based on their feedback

  • Seek a deep understanding of our customers and consider them in every decision

  • Relentlessly acquire and analyze data, so we can make better choices

  • Visualize and design for current, idealized, and future versions of our whole product when adding features

To best serve these goals, we apply an iterative approach to product delivery, including an iterative product release lifecycle that allows us to introduce and improve upon new functionality.

Read... To learn...                                
Product Release Stages How Auth0 stages, releases, and retires product functionality.
Migration Process How Auth0's deprecation and migration process works.
Deprecations and Migrations About current deprecations and how to migrate to new behaviors or features.
Past Migrations Past migrations previously enabled for customers.