User Migration Scenarios

User Migration Scenarios

Here are some sample scenarios for migrating users from Gigya, Okta, and Stormpath to Auth0. Each of these scenarios assumes that you have accounts on those platforms.


Configure the custom database connection.

  1. Create a new database connection at Dashboard > Authentication > Database. Be sure to select the Custom Database view, and enable the Use my own database switch.

  2. Connect the database to the application: In your database connection settings, select the Applications view. Locate the Applications Using This Connection section, and enable the database connection for each application.

Scenario 1: Migrate Users from Gigya to Auth0

  1. Export Gigya users: Use Gigya's IdentitySync to transform and export user data to match a target schema. To learn more about this process, see Gigya IdentitySync: Using IdentitySync.

    Follow the instructions to transform your Gigya database's user data to the correct schema and export the transformed data to JSON format.

  2. Import your Gigya users into Auth0: You can import users with either the User Import/Export Extension or the Management API.

    • User Import/Export Extension: Go to Auth0 Dashboard > Extensions, select the User Import / Export extension, and install it. Once the extension is installed, you can click it to open an import/export interface.

      Drag your exported Gigya users JSON file into the designated upload area, and select the database you created earlier. Select Start Importing Users to begin your import. To learn more, see User Import/Export Extension.

    • Management API: Create a job to import your users to Auth0. For detailed instructions, read Bulk User Imports.

Scenario 2: Migrate Users from Okta to Auth0

  1. Enable importing users: Go to Auth0 Dashboard > Authentication > Database and select your database connection. In its Settings, enable the Import Users to Auth0 option.

  2. Create the Login script: The Login script is executed when a user attempts to log in, but their account is not found in the Auth0 database. You must create a script that will call the Okta Primary Authentication endpoint, passing the email and password as the username and password parameters. On successful authentication, Okta will return an Authentication Transaction object, containing the user's profile in the embedded resources. You can then extract the user's information and pass it to Auth0 in the callback function.

    In your database connection's Custom Database view, locate Database Action Scripts, and select Login.

    function login (email, password, callback) {
      // Replace {yourOktaDomain} with your own Okta domain
      var url = 'https:/{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/authn';
      // Make the POST request to authenticate a user
        url: url,
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
          'Content-Type': 'application/json',
          'Accept': 'application/json'
        body: {
          username: email,
          password: password,
          options: {
            multiOptionalFactorEnroll: false,
            warnBeforePasswordExpired: false
        json: true
      }, function (error, response, body) {
        // Ensure we have a successful response
        if (response.statusCode !== 200) return callback();
        // Get the user from the response body
        var user = body._embedded.user;
        // Set the data we want to store in Auth0 and migrate the user
        return callback(null, {
            user_id :,
            username: user.profile.login,
            email: user.profile.login,
            // We set the users email_verified to true as we assume if they were a valid
            // user in Okta, they have already verified their email
            // If this field is not set, the user will get an email asking them to verify
            // their account
            email_verified: true,
            name: user.profile.firstName + ' ' + user.profile.lastName

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    Click the Try button above the script to test whether the script works.

  3. Create the Get User script: The Get User script is executed when the user attempts to reset their password but their account is not found in the Auth0 database. You will need to create a script that calls the Okta Get User with Login endpoint, passing the user's email as the login parameter. You will also need to Create an API token which must be passed to this endpoint in the Authorization header. If successful, Okta will return a User object with the user's information. Once again, you can extract the user's information and pass it to Auth0 in the callback function.

    In your database connection's Custom Database view, locate Database Action Scripts, and select Get User.

    function getByEmail(email, callback) {
      // Replace {yourOktaDomain} with your own Okta domain
      var url = 'https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/' + encodeURIComponent(email);
      // Make a GET request to find a user by email
      // Replace {yourOktaApiToken} with an Okta API Token 
      // (see 
        url: url,
        method: 'GET',
        headers: {
          'Content-Type': 'application/json',
          'Accept': 'application/json',
          'Authorization': 'SSWS ' + '{yourOktaApiToken}'
        json: true
      }, function (error, response, body) {
        // Ensure we have a successful response
        if (response.statusCode !== 200) return callback();
        // Set the data we want to store in Auth0 and migrate the user
        return callback(null, {
          username: body.profile.login,
          email: body.profile.login,
          email_verified: true,
          name: body.profile.firstName + ' ' + body.profile.lastName

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    Click the Try button above the script to test whether the script works.

  1. Test the custom database connection: Click Try connection. The Auth0 Lock widget will appear. Enter the email address and password for the Okta user, and click Log In. You should see a web page indicating that the connection works, with information about the user.

  2. To see the newly imported users, go to Auth0 Dashboard > User Management > Users.

Scenario 3: Migrate users from Stormpath to Auth0

  1. Enable importing users: Go to Auth0 Dashboard > Authentication > Database and select your database connection. In its Settings, enable the Import Users to Auth0 option.

  2. Enable applications for your connection: Select the Applications view. Enable the applications that will use the database connection.

  3. Create the Login script: The Login script is executed when a user attempts to log in, but their account is not found in the Auth0 database. You will need to create a script that calls Stormpath's API to authenticate the user, passing the user credentials as the username and password parameters.

    On successful authentication, the response from Stormpath will include the user account URL. Perform a second request to the account URL to retrieve the user's information. You can then extract the user's information and pass it to Auth0 in the callback function.

    function login(username, password, callback) {
      // Replace the {yourStormpathClientId} attribute with your Stormpath ID
      var url = '{yourStormpathClientId}/loginAttempts';
      // Stormpath requires the user credentials be passed in as a base64 encoded message
      var message = username + ':' + password;
      var pass = new Buffer(message).toString('base64');
      // Here we are making the POST request to authenticate a user
        url: url,
        method: 'POST',
        auth: {
          // Your API Client ID
          user: '{yourStormpathClientId}',
          // Your API Client Secret
          password: '{yourStormpathClientSecret}'
        headers: {
          'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        json: {
          type: 'basic',
          // Passing in the base64 encoded credentials
          value: pass
      }, function (error, response, body) {
        // If response is successful we'll continue
        if (response.statusCode !== 200) return callback();
        // A successful response will return a URL to get the user information
        var accountUrl = body.account.href;
        // We'll make a second request to get the user info. This time it will be a GET request
          url: accountUrl,
          method: 'GET',
          auth: {
            // Your API Client ID
            user: '{yourStormpathClientId}',
            // YOUR API Client Secret
            password: '{yourStormpathClientSecret}'
        }, function (errorUserInfo, responseUserInfo, bodyUserInfo) {
          // If we get a successful response, we'll process it
          if (responseUserInfo.statusCode !== 200) return callback();
          var parsedBody = JSON.parse(bodyUserInfo);
          // To get the user identifier, we'll strip out the Stormpath API
          var id = parsedBody.href.replace('', '');
          // Finally, we'll set the data we want to store in Auth0 and migrate the user
          return callback(null, {
            user_id : id,
            username: parsedBody.username,
            // We set the users email_verified to true as we assume if they were a valid
            // user in Stormpath, they have already verified their email
            // If this field is not set, the user will get an email asking them to verify
            // their account
            email_verified: true,
            // Add any additional fields you would like to carry over from Stormpath

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    Click the Try button above the script to test and see whether the script works.

  4. Create the Get User script: The Get User script is executed when the user attempts to do a password reset but their account is not found in the Auth0 database. You will need to create a script that will call the /accounts endpoint of the Stormpath API, passing the user's email as the email parameter. If successful, Stormpath will return the user's information. You can extract the user's information and pass it to Auth0 in the callback function.

    function getByEmail(email, callback) {
      // Replace the {yourStormpathClientId} attribute with your Stormpath ID
      var url = '{yourStormpathClientId}/accounts';
        url: url,
        method: 'GET',
        auth: {
          // Your API Client ID
          user: '{yourStormpathClientId}',
          // YOUR API Client Secret
          password: '{yourStormpathClientSecret}'
        qs: { q: email }
      }, function (error, response, body) {
        if (response.statusCode !== 200) return callback();
        var parsedBody = JSON.parse(body);
        var user = parsedBody.items[0];
        if (!user) return callback();
        var id = user.href.replace('', '');
        return callback(null, {
          user_id: id,
          username: user.username,
          email_verified: true,
          // Add any additional fields you would like to carry over from Stormpath

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    Click the Try button above the script to test and see whether the script works.

  5. Test the custom database connection: Click Try connection. The Auth0 Lock widget will appear. Enter the email address and password for the Stormpath user, and click Log In. You should see a web page indicating that the connection works, with information about the user.

  6. To see the newly imported users, go to Dashboard > User Management > Users.