Login Script Templates

Login Script Templates

The Login script implements the function executed each time a user is required to authenticate. We recommend naming this function login.

This script is required for both legacy authentication and for automatic migration. If automatic migration is configured for the connection, the migration process will be triggered after the first time the user logs in successfully.

Login function

The login function should:

  • Send the provided user credentials to the external database’s API.

  • Return the profile data of the user if authentication is successful.

  • Return an error if authentication is unsuccessful.


The login function accepts three parameters and returns a callback function:

login(userNameOrEmail, password, callback): function

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Parameter Type Description
userNameOrEmail String The user's username or email.
password String The user's password in plain text.
callback Function Used to pass error or profile data through the pipeline.


This is a pseudo-JavaScript example of how you could implement the login function. For language-specific examples, read Language-specific script examples.

function login(userNameOrEmail, password, callback) {
  // Send credentials to external database API
  let hashedPassword = hash(password);

  let options = {
    url: "https://example.com/api/authenticate",
    body: {
      email: userNameOrEmail,
      password: hashedPassword

  send(options, (err, profileData) => {
    // Return error in callback if authentication is unsuccessful
    if (err) {
      return callback(new WrongUsernameOrPasswordError(userNameOrEmail, "My custom error message."));
    } else {
      // Return profile data in callback if authentication is successful
      let profile = {
        username: profileData.username,
        email: profileData.emailAddress

      return callback(null, profile);

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Encrypt the password value using a cryptographic hash encryption library such as bcrypt to prevent any potential data leak.


bcrypt.hash(password, 10, function (err, hash) {
    if (err) {
        return callback(err);
    } else {
        // Return hashed password

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Callback function

The callback function is used to pass user profile data or error data through the pipeline.


The callback function accepts up to two parameters and returns a function:

callback(error[, profile]): function

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Parameter Type Required Description
error Object Required Contains error data.
profile Object Optional Contains the user's profile data.

Return the user profile

If the user authenticates successfully, their profile data must be returned in the profile object in normalized form. In addition to the standard fields, you can include the user_metadata, app_metadata, and mfa_factors fields.


return callback(null, {
    username: "username",
    user_id: "my-custom-db|username@domain.com",
    email: "username@domain.com",
    email_verified: false,
    user_metadata: {
        language: "en"
    app_metadata: {
        plan: "full"
    mfa_factors: [
        phone: {
          value: "+15551234567"

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Return an error

If an error occurs, the error parameter should contain relevant information about what went wrong.

WrongUsernameOrPasswordError type object

The WrongUsernameOrPasswordError custom error type object allows you to pass data that will be displayed in your Tenant Logs.


The WrongUsernameOrPasswordError constructor accepts up to two parameters:

new WrongUsernameOrPasswordError(userNameOrEmail[, message]): WrongUsernameOrPasswordError

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Parameter Type Required Description
userNameOrEmail String Required Contains the user's username or email, or a null value.
message String Optional Contains information about the error.

Return error with username or email

If you return an error with a value for the userNameOrEmail field, Auth0 will record an fp tenant log event.


return callback(new WrongUsernameOrPasswordError(userNameOrEmail, "My custom error message"));

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Tenant Log Event Field Value
Code fp
Event Failed Login (Incorrect Password)
Description My custom error message

Return error without username or email

If you return an error with a null value for the userNameOrEmail field, Auth0 will record an fu tenant log event.


return callback(new WrongUsernameOrPasswordError(null, "My custom error message"));

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Tenant Log Event Field Value
Code fu
Event Failed Login (Invalid Email/Username)
Description My custom error message

Sync user profile attributes at each login

Enable the Sync user profile attributes at each login setting if you want Auth0 to update the name, nickname, given_name, family_name, and/or picture fields with the values returned from the external database on each login.

If you do not enable this setting, the values returned from the external database the first time the user logs in will persist on subsequent logins, even if they've changed in the external database.

Language-specific script examples

Auth0 provides sample scripts for use with the following languages/technologies:


function login(email, password, callback) {
  // This script should authenticate a user against the credentials stored in
  // your database.
  // It is executed when a user attempts to log in or immediately after signing
  // up (as a verification that the user was successfully signed up).
  // Everything returned by this script will be set as part of the user profile
  // and will be visible by any of the tenant admins. Avoid adding attributes
  // with values such as passwords, keys, secrets, etc.
  // The `password` parameter of this function is in plain text. It must be
  // hashed/salted to match whatever is stored in your database. For example:
  //     var bcrypt = require('bcrypt@0.8.5');
  //     bcrypt.compare(password, dbPasswordHash, function(err, res)) { ... }
  // There are three ways this script can finish:
  // 1. The user's credentials are valid. The returned user profile should be in
  // the following format: https://auth0.com/docs/users/normalized/auth0/normalized-user-profile-schema
  //     var profile = {
  //       user_id: ..., // user_id is mandatory
  //       email: ...,
  //       [...]
  //     };
  //     callback(null, profile);
  // 2. The user's credentials are invalid
  //     callback(new WrongUsernameOrPasswordError(email, "my error message"));
  // 3. Something went wrong while trying to reach your database
  //     callback(new Error("my error message"));
  // A list of Node.js modules which can be referenced is available here:
  //    https://tehsis.github.io/webtaskio-canirequire/
  const msg = 'Please implement the Login script for this database connection ' +
    'at https://manage.auth0.com/#/connections/database';
  return callback(new Error(msg));

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ASP.NET Membership Provider (MVC3 - Universal Providers)

function login(email, password, callback) {
  const crypto = require('crypto');
  const sqlserver = require('tedious@1.11.0');
  const Connection = sqlserver.Connection;
  const Request = sqlserver.Request;
  const TYPES = sqlserver.TYPES;
  const connection = new Connection({
    userName: 'the username',
    password: 'the password',
    server: 'the server',
    options: {
      database: 'the db name',
      encrypt: true // for Windows Azure
   * hashPassword
   * This function creates a hashed version of the password to store in the database.
   * @password  {[string]}      the password entered by the user
   * @return    {[string]}      the hashed password
  function hashPassword(password, salt) {
    // the default implementation uses HMACSHA256 and since Key length is 64
    // and default salt is 16 bytes, Membership will fill the buffer repeating the salt
    const key = Buffer.concat([salt, salt, salt, salt]);
    const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', key);
    hmac.update(Buffer.from(password, 'ucs2'));
    return hmac.digest('base64');
  connection.on('debug', function(text) {
    // if you have connection issues, uncomment this to get more detailed info
  }).on('errorMessage', function(text) {
    // this will show any errors when connecting to the SQL database or with the SQL statements
  connection.on('connect', function(err) {
    if (err) return callback(err);
    getMembershipUser(email, function(err, user) {
      if (err || !user || !user.profile || !user.password) return callback(err || new WrongUsernameOrPasswordError(email));
      const salt = Buffer.from(user.password.salt, 'base64');
      if (hashPassword(password, salt).toString('base64') !== user.password.password) {
        return callback(new WrongUsernameOrPasswordError(email));
      callback(null, user.profile);

  // Membership Provider implementation used on Microsoft.AspNet.Providers NuGet
   * getMembershipUser
   * This function gets a username or email and returns a the user membership provider
   * info, password hashes and salt
   * @usernameOrEmail  {[string]}       the username or email, the method will do a
   *                                    query on both with an OR
   * @callback         {[Function]}     first argument will be the Error if any,
   *                                    and second argument will be a user object
  function getMembershipUser(usernameOrEmail, done) {
    var user = null;
    const query =
      'SELECT Memberships.UserId, Email, Users.UserName, Password ' +
      'FROM Memberships INNER JOIN Users ' +
      'ON Users.UserId = Memberships.UserId ' +
      'WHERE Memberships.Email = @Username OR Users.UserName = @Username';
    const getMembershipQuery = new Request(query, function(err, rowCount) {
      if (err || rowCount < 1) return done(err);
      done(err, user);
    getMembershipQuery.addParameter('Username', TYPES.VarChar, usernameOrEmail);
    getMembershipQuery.on('row', function(fields) {
      user = {
        profile: {
          user_id: fields.UserId.value,
          nickname: fields.UserName.value,
          email: fields.Email.value,
        password: {
          password: fields.Password.value,
          salt: fields.PasswordSalt.value

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ASP.NET Membership Provider (MVC4 - Simple Membership)

function login(email, password, callback) {
  const crypto = require('crypto');
  const sqlserver = require('tedious@1.11.0');
  const Connection = sqlserver.Connection;
  const Request = sqlserver.Request;
  const TYPES = sqlserver.TYPES;
  const connection = new Connection({
    userName: 'the username',
    password: 'the password',
    server: 'the server',
    options: {
      database: 'the db name',
      encrypt: true // for Windows Azure
  function fixedTimeComparison(a, b) {
    var mismatch = (a.length === b.length ? 0 : 1);
    if (mismatch) {
      b = a;
    for (var i = 0, il = a.length; i < il; ++i) {
      const ac = a.charCodeAt(i);
      const bc = b.charCodeAt(i);
      mismatch += (ac === bc ? 0 : 1);
    return (mismatch === 0);

   * validatePassword
   * This function gets the password entered by the user, and the original password
   * hash and salt from database and performs an HMAC SHA256 hash.
   * @password      {[string]}      the password entered by the user
   * @originalHash  {[string]}      the original password hashed from the database
   *                                (including the salt).
   * @return        {[bool]}        true if password validates
  function validatePassword(password, originalHash, callback) {
    const iterations = 1000;
    const hashBytes = Buffer.from(originalHash, 'base64');
    const salt = hashBytes.slice(1, 17);
    const hash = hashBytes.slice(17, 49);
    crypto.pbkdf2(password, salt, iterations, hash.length, 'sha1', function(err, hashed) {
      if (err) return callback(err);
      const hashedBase64 = Buffer.from(hashed, 'binary').toString('base64');
      const isValid = fixedTimeComparison(hash.toString('base64'), hashedBase64);
      return callback(null, isValid);

  connection.on('debug', function(text) {
    // if you have connection issues, uncomment this to get more detailed info
  }).on('errorMessage', function(text) {
    // this will show any errors when connecting to the SQL database or with the SQL statements
  connection.on('connect', function(err) {
    if (err) return callback(err);
    getMembershipUser(email, function(err, user) {
      if (err || !user || !user.profile) return callback(err || new WrongUsernameOrPasswordError(email));
      validatePassword(password, user.password, function(err, isValid) {
        if (err || !isValid) return callback(err || new WrongUsernameOrPasswordError(email));
        callback(null, user.profile);

  // Membership Provider implementation used on Microsoft.AspNet.Providers NuGet
   * getMembershipUser
   * This function gets a username or email and returns a user info, password hashes and salt
   * @usernameOrEamil   {[string]}    the username or email, the method will do a query
   *                                  on both with an OR
   * @callback          {[Function]}  first argument will be the Error if any, and second
   *                                  argument will be a user object
  function getMembershipUser(usernameOrEmail, done) {
    var user = null;
    const query =
      'SELECT webpages_Membership.UserId, UserName, UserProfile.UserName, Password from webpages_Membership ' +
      'INNER JOIN UserProfile ON UserProfile.UserId = webpages_Membership.UserId ' +
      'WHERE UserProfile.UserName = @Username';
    const getMembershipQuery = new Request(query, function(err, rowCount) {
      if (err || rowCount < 1) return done(err);
      done(err, user);
    getMembershipQuery.addParameter('Username', TYPES.VarChar, usernameOrEmail);
    getMembershipQuery.on('row', function(fields) {
      user = {
        profile: {
          user_id: fields.UserId.value,
          nickname: fields.UserName.value,
          email: fields.UserName.value,
        password: fields.Password.value

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function login(email, password, callback) {
  const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
  const MongoClient = require('mongodb@3.1.4').MongoClient;
  const client = new MongoClient('mongodb://user:pass@mymongoserver.com');
  client.connect(function (err) {
    if (err) return callback(err);
    const db = client.db('db-name');
    const users = db.collection('users');
    users.findOne({ email: email }, function (err, user) {
      if (err || !user) {
        return callback(err || new WrongUsernameOrPasswordError(email));
      bcrypt.compare(password, user.password, function (err, isValid) {
        if (err || !isValid) return callback(err || new WrongUsernameOrPasswordError(email));
        return callback(null, {
            user_id: user._id.toString(),
            nickname: user.nickname,
            email: user.email

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function login(email, password, callback) {
  const mysql = require('mysql');
  const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
  const connection = mysql({
    host: 'localhost',
    user: 'me',
    password: 'secret',
    database: 'mydb'
  const query = 'SELECT id, nickname, email, password FROM users WHERE email = ?';
  connection.query(query, [ email ], function(err, results) {
    if (err) return callback(err);
    if (results.length === 0) return callback(new WrongUsernameOrPasswordError(email));
    const user = results[0];
    bcrypt.compare(password, user.password, function(err, isValid) {
      if (err || !isValid) return callback(err || new WrongUsernameOrPasswordError(email));
      callback(null, {
        user_id: user.id.toString(),
        nickname: user.nickname,
        email: user.email

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function login(email, password, callback) {
  //this example uses the "pg" library
  //more info here: https://github.com/brianc/node-postgres
  const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
  const postgres = require('pg');
  const conString = 'postgres://user:pass@localhost/mydb';
  postgres.connect(conString, function (err, client, done) {
    if (err) return callback(err);
    const query = 'SELECT id, nickname, email, password FROM users WHERE email = $1';
    client.query(query, [email], function (err, result) {
      // NOTE: always call `done()` here to close
      // the connection to the database
      if (err || result.rows.length === 0) return callback(err || new WrongUsernameOrPasswordError(email));
      const user = result.rows[0];
      bcrypt.compare(password, user.password, function (err, isValid) {
        if (err || !isValid) return callback(err || new WrongUsernameOrPasswordError(email));
        return callback(null, {
          user_id: user.id,
          nickname: user.nickname,
          email: user.email

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SQL Server

function login(email, password, callback) {
  //this example uses the "tedious" library
  //more info here: http://pekim.github.io/tedious/index.html
  const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
  const sqlserver = require('tedious@1.11.0');
  const Connection = sqlserver.Connection;
  const Request = sqlserver.Request;
  const TYPES = sqlserver.TYPES;
  const connection = new Connection({
    userName:  'test',
    password:  'test',
    server:    'localhost',
    options:  {
      database: 'mydb',
      rowCollectionOnRequestCompletion: true
  const query = 'SELECT Id, Nickname, Email, Password FROM dbo.Users WHERE Email = @Email';
  connection.on('debug', function (text) {
  }).on('errorMessage', function (text) {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(text, null, 2));
  }).on('infoMessage', function (text) {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(text, null, 2));
  connection.on('connect', function (err) {
    if (err) return callback(err);
    const request = new Request(query, function (err, rowCount, rows) {
      if (err || rowCount < 1) return callback(err || new WrongUsernameOrPasswordError(email));
      bcrypt.compare(password, rows[0][3].value, function (err, isValid) {
        if (err || !isValid) return callback(err || new WrongUsernameOrPasswordError(email));
        callback(null, {
          user_id: rows[0][0].value,
          nickname: rows[0][1].value,
          email: rows[0][2].value
    request.addParameter('Email', TYPES.VarChar, email);

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Windows Azure SQL Database

function login(email, password, callback) {
  //this example uses the "tedious" library
  //more info here: http://pekim.github.io/tedious/index.html
  var Connection = require('tedious@1.11.0').Connection;
  var Request = require('tedious@1.11.0').Request;
  var TYPES = require('tedious@1.11.0').TYPES;
  var bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
  var connection = new Connection({
    userName: 'your-user@your-server-id.database.windows.net',
    password: 'the-password',
    server: 'your-server-id.database.windows.net',
    options: {
      database: 'mydb',
      encrypt: true,
      rowCollectionOnRequestCompletion: true
  var query = "SELECT Id, Email, Password " +
    "FROM dbo.Users WHERE Email = @Email";
  connection.on('debug', function (text) {
    // Uncomment next line in order to enable debugging messages
    // console.log(text);
  }).on('errorMessage', function (text) {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(text, null, 2));
    return callback(text);
  }).on('infoMessage', function (text) {
    // Uncomment next line in order to enable information messages
    // console.log(JSON.stringify(text, null, 2));
  connection.on('connect', function (err) {
    if (err) { return callback(err); }
    var request = new Request(query, function (err, rowCount, rows) {
      if (err) {
        callback(new Error(err));
      } else if (rowCount < 1) {
        callback(new WrongUsernameOrPasswordError(email));
      } else {
        bcrypt.compare(password, rows[0][2].value, function (err, isValid) {
          if (err) { callback(new Error(err)); }
          else if (!isValid) { callback(new WrongUsernameOrPasswordError(email)); }
          else {
            callback(null, {
              user_id: rows[0][0].value,
              email: rows[0][1].value
    request.addParameter('Email', TYPES.VarChar, email);

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async function loginAsync(email, password, callback) {
  //should be updated as new versions of axios are made available (https://auth0-extensions.github.io/canirequire/#axios)
  const axios = require("axios@0.22.0");

  let response;

  try {
    response = await axios.post(
      //store API url in connection settings to better support SDLC environments
      configuration.baseAPIUrl + "/login",
      //user credentials passed as request body
        email: email,
        password: password,
        timeout: 10000, //end call gracefully if request times out so script can do necessary callback
        headers: {
          //securing api call with apiKey stored in connection settings.
          //quick and easy approach however using M2M tokens is more secure as
          // a secret must not be shared between client and API.
          "x-api-key": configuration.apiKey,
  } catch (e) {
    if (e.response.status === 404) {
      //assuming api returns 404 when email/username/password invalid
      return callback(
        new WrongUsernameOrPasswordError(email, "Invalid credentials provided.")
    //callback for any other error type
    return callback(new Error(e.message));

  try {
    let user = response.data;

    //if using multiple custom db connections in your tenant prefix the
    //user_id with a connection specific key ex: "connName|" + user.user_id
    //this ensures unique user ids across all db connections
    return callback(null, {
      user_id: user.user_id,
      email: user.email,
  } catch (e) {
    return callback(new Error(e.message));

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function login(username, password, callback) {
  // Replace the {yourStormpathClientId} with your Stormpath ID
  var url = 'https://api.stormpath.com/v1/applications/{yourStormpathClientId}/loginAttempts';
  // Add your Stormpath API Client ID and Secret
  var apiCredentials = {
    user : '{yourStormpathApiId}',
    password: '{yourStormpathApiSecret}'
  // Stormpath requires the user credentials be passed in as a base64 encoded message
  var credentials = Buffer.from(username + ':' + password).toString('base64');
  // Make a POST request to authenticate a user
    url: url,
    method: 'POST',
    auth: apiCredentials,
    json: {
      type: 'basic',
      // Passing in the base64 encoded credentials
      value: credentials
  }, function (error, response, body) {
    // If response is successful we'll continue
    if (response.statusCode !== 200) return callback();
    // A successful response will return a URL to get the user information
    var accountUrl = body.account.href;
    // Make a second request to get the user info.
      url: accountUrl,
      auth: apiCredentials,
      json: true
    }, function (errorUserInfo, responseUserInfo, bodyUserInfo) {
      // If we get a successful response, we'll process it
      if (responseUserInfo.statusCode !== 200) return callback();
      // To get the user identifier, we'll strip out the Stormpath API
      var id = bodyUserInfo.href.replace('https://api.stormpath.com/v1/accounts/', '');
      // Finally, we'll set the data we want to store in Auth0 and migrate the user
      return callback(null, {
        user_id : id,
        username: bodyUserInfo.username,
        email: bodyUserInfo.email,
        // We set the users email_verified to true as we assume if they were a valid
        // user in Stormpath, they have already verified their email
        // If this field is not set, the user will get an email asking them to verify
        // their account. You can decide how to handle this for your use case
        email_verified: true
        // Add any additional fields you would like to carry over from Stormpath

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