Provision: Import Users

Provision: Import Users

Learn how Auth0 allows you to move your existing users to an Auth0 user store and why you may want to use a combination of both automatic and bulk migration methods. Learn why it's a good idea to have an API between the cloud and your legacy database and how custom database scripts work.

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Customers building new systems can easily take advantage of various types of user stores Auth0 supports to authenticate users. Now we will take a look at how Auth0 helps you import your existing users two ways: Automatic Migration and Bulk Migration. In this video we will show you the advantages to using both methods together and how to get the results you want.

We’ve found that most customers don’t want to force their users to reset their passwords just because they chose to implement Auth0, so we’ve provided tools to help you move your users to a custom database as they authenticate over time or, depending on the algorithm you have used to hash the user’s passwords, you can bulk import the password hashes with the users.

Automatic migrations give your users a seamless migration experience that doesn’t require them to reset their passwords. You also benefit from only migrating active users, helping you to clean up your user data in the process.

Bulk migrations have the advantage of getting the migration done at the beginning in one effort and allow you to turn off your legacy system and remove legacy code sooner. If you are using a particular hashing algorithm and technique, you can even bulk migrate the passwords and not require a password reset.

Auth0 Database Connections in the Dashboard

Both Automatic and Bulk migration are supported using Auth0 Database Connections. After you create a database connection in the Dashboard, you enable user migration from that legacy database and create custom scripts to determine how the migration happens.

First, you need to set up a custom database connection. Create a new database connection in the Connections > Database section of the Dashboard.

Connect the database to the application. Navigate to the Applications tab of your database settings, under the Applications Using This Connection heading you can enable the database connection for each application.

On the Custom Database page, enable the Use my own database option.

On the Settings page for your database, enable the Import Users to Auth0 option.

Create API Front End to Your Database

Next, if you don’t have an API already, we recommend that you create a simple API in front of your legacy database instead of allowing access directly from Auth0.

Unless you have a private instance or enterprise cloud deployment, you probably don’t want to expose your entire database interface to the Auth0 IPs because those are shared IP addresses. Though you can whitelist Auth0 IPs, those IPs are shared in the cloud environment.

In compliance with the principle of least privilege, Auth0 recommends that you protect your database from too many actors directly talking directly to it. The easiest way to do that is to create a simple API endpoint that each script within Auth0 can call. Protect the API using an access token. This access token can be created using the client-credentials grant. This grant type is for us in machine-to-machine contexts, like this one, where you don’t have the context of a particular user.

Custom Database Script Templates

Next, we’ll show you how to use Auth0’s custom database script templates to perform certain actions on the user data stored in the database.

The script templates are pre-populated in the Dashboard script editor. The scripts cover Get User and Login.

Here are some best practices that we’ve found work for most customers:

  • Set a user_id on the returned user profile that is consistent for the same user every time. This is important because if you set a random user_id in the get_user script, then call forgot password and change the password, the user will get duplicated every time they log in. In the non-migration scenario, if you set a random user_id you can end up with duplicate users for every login.

  • If using a username, ensure that you aren't returning the same email address for two different users in the get_user or login script. Auth0 will produce an error if you do this, but it is better to catch it in the script itself.

  • If setting app_metadata, call it metadata in the script. To support backwards compatibility, app_metadata is called metadata in custom DB scripts. If you don't use metadata in the script, you will get an error where app_metadata will work but if you use the API to merge app_metadata with a user, it will appear as if all of your metadata was lost. NOTE: user_metadata is not affected by this and can simply be called user_metadata.

  • Ensure you restrict access to that audience with a rule. As with any API that you create, if you create it solely for client credentials, then you will want to restrict access to the API in a rule. By default, Auth0 gives you a token for any API if you authenticate successfully and include the audience. Someone could intercept the redirect to authorize and add the audience to your legacy database API. If you don’t block this in a rule, they could get an access token. You will also want to update the API to expect the subject claim of the token to end in @clients.

  • Make sure the login script and the get_user script both return the same user profile. Because of the two different flows (logging in, or using forgot password), if the get_user and login scripts return different user profiles, then depending on how a user migrates (either by logging in directly, or using the forgot password flow) they will end up with different profile information in Auth0.

  • If setting app_metadata or user_metadata, use a rule to fetch the metadata if it is missing. The metadata is not migrated until is called. However, the user credentials are migrated during the post to

    This means that if the flow is interrupted after the username password/login, but before login/callback, then they will have a user in the Auth0 database, but their app and user metadata are lost. It is really important, therefore, to create a rule that looks a lot like your get_user script to fetch the profile if app and user metadata are blank. This should only execute once per user at most and usually never.

  • Use a rule to mark users as migrated. This is not a hard requirement, but it does protect against one scenario in which a user changes their email address, then changes it back to the original email address. A rule should call out to the legacy database to mark the user as being migrated in the original database so that get_user can return false.

Bulk Importing Users

Next, let’s look at bulk importing users directly into the Auth0 database. It’s important to note that when you use Bulk Migration, you can migrate the user’s password if it was hashed using bcrypt with 10 salt rounds, otherwise you will have to force your users to reset their passwords.

Before you launch the import users job, a database to which the users will be imported must already exist and it must be enabled for at least one application in your tenant.

You can then import a file containing your user data with our Management API. The file must have an array with the users' information in JSON format. You can use the POST /api/v2/jobs/users/post_users_importsendpoint to populate a database connection with the user information in the file.

The users import endpoint requires that your POST request use the multipart/form-data encoding type. See our documentation for a list of the parameters that must be part of the request.

There are some rate and file size limitations for bulk imports:

  • Calls to the Management API are subject to rate limiting. The rate limits for this API differ depending on whether your tenant is free or paid, production or not.
    • For all free and non-production tenants, you can have up to 2 requests per second and bursts up to 10 requests.
    • For paid tenants, you can have up to 15 requests per second and bursts up to 50 requests.
    • The rate limits include calls made via Auth0 Rules. Note, that the limit is set by tenant and not by endpoint. For additional information about these endpoints, please consult the Management API explorer.
  • There is also an import JSON file size limitation of 500 kilobytes. If your user database would result in a file larger than this, you will need to break the users up into chunks that keep each file smaller than 500 KB.

Auth0 does provide an User Import/Export Extension however, we recommend that you use the Management API Bulk Migration for all but the most simple cases.

After you’ve migrated your users to the Auth0 database, you can use the List or Search Management API endpoint to make sure the users are there. You can also view the users list in the Dashboard.

We’ve found that customers often opt for a two-phased approach to user migration, employing Automatic Migration first in order to migrate as many active users as possible, and then turning off Automatic Migration and performing Bulk Migration for the users that remain.


After you have verified the migration of the final set of users, you can set the login and get_user scripts to simply “return callback()” in the Dashboard. Keep Import Users to Auth0 enabled on the Settings page so that your users will be directed to the new database workflow.

This gives your active users a nice experience by not forcing them to reset their passwords, even if your hashing algorithm is not compatible with bulk import, while still allowing you to decommission the legacy identity store.

In the next video, we will take a look at user authentication.

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