Brand: Signup and Login Pages

Brand: Signup and Login Pages

In this video, we'll look at how you can set up Universal Login.

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In this video, we'll look at how you can setup Universal Login.

In the Dashboard, you can see the settings for your login page by navigating to Universal Login and looking at the Settings tab.


The settings available here are Logo, Primary Color, and Background Color. These settings once changed, will take effect on all pages where you have not enabled customization of the pages' code. Note that the settings will also work if you have enabled customization but assume you are using predefined templates and have not changed those options in the code.

  1. Add the URL to your logo image.
  2. Select a primary color.
  3. Select a background color.
Customize login pages

Now we’ll move to the Login tab and enable the login page customization.

Click the Login tab and toggle Customize Login Page.

Note that when the customization toggle is flipped on, irrespective of the page you are customizing, you then become responsible for updates and maintenance of that page; it can no longer be automatically updated by Auth0. This includes updating the version numbers for any included Auth0 SDK or widget.

If you have enabled customization to inspect the page code, and then decide not to customize your login page, you should make sure to disable the customize page—in this case the Customize Login Page—toggle, so Auth0 will render the default page. You can also use version control software to manage the source code of your pages. To do so, you can use an Auth0-provided extension that works with the version control system you're using, like GitHub for example.

You should also exercise caution regarding the use of third-party JavaScript on your pages—particularly the Login Page—since sensitive security-related information often flows through pages and the introduction of cross-site scripting or XSS vulnerabilities can be a concern.


In the next video, we’ll talk about how to customize emails and error pages, and in a future video, we’ll talk about customizing the Guardian multi-factor authentication page too.

Up next

  • 5:42 Brand: Emails and Error Pages

    How to use email templates and customize error pages.

  • 8:12 Logout

    How to configure different kinds of user logout behavior using callback URLs.

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