Application Implementation (Server Apps + API)

Application Implementation (Server Apps + API)

In this section of the tutorial, we will take an in-depth look into our API and its associated Machine to Machine Application.

Define the API endpoints

First, we need to define the endpoints of our API.

What is an API endpoint?

An API endpoint is a unique URL that represents an object. To interact with this object, you need to point your application to its URL. For example, if you had an API that could return either orders or customers, you might configure two endpoints: /orders and /customers. Your application would interact with these endpoints using different HTTP methods; for example, POST /orders could create a new order or GET /orders could retrieve the dataset of one or more orders.

We will configure one single endpoint that will be used to create timesheet entries. The endpoint will be /timesheets/upload and the HTTP method will be POST.

As input, the API will expect a JSON object containing the timesheet information. We will use the following JSON:

  'user_id': '007',
  'date': '2017-05-10T17:40:20.095Z',
  'project': 'StoreZero',
  'hours': 5

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The API will print the JSON, so we can verify the contents and echo back a message like the following: Created timesheet 14 for employee 007.

Secure the API endpoints

The first step towards securing our API endpoint is to get an Access Token as part of the Header and validate it. If it's not valid, then we should return an HTTP Status 401 (Unauthorized) to the calling process.

See the implementation in Node.js.

Get an Access Token

To get an Access Token without using our application sample implementation, perform a POST operation to the https://{yourDomain}/oauth/token endpoint with a payload in the following format:

  audience: "YOUR_API_IDENTIFIER",
  grant_type: "client_credentials",
  client_id: "${account.client_id}",
  client_secret: "${account.client_secret}"

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Check the application permissions

Now we have secured our API's endpoint with an Access Token, but we still haven't ensured that the process calling the API has the rights to post a new timesheet entry.

As discussed earlier in this doc, each Access Token may include a list of the permissions that have been granted to the client. These permissions are defined using the scope request parameter. To learn how to configure this, see the Configure the Scopes paragraph.

For our endpoint, we will require the scope batch:upload.

See the implementation in Node.js.

Implement the Machine to Machine Application

In this section, we will see how we can implement a Machine-to-Machine Application for our scenario.

Get an Access Token

We will start by invoking the Auth0 /oauth/token API endpoint to get an Access Token.

To do so, we will need the following configuration values:

  • Domain: Auth0 Domain, which you can retrieve from the Settings of your application in the Auth0 Dashboard. This value will be a part of the API URL: https://{yourDomain}/oauth/token.

  • Audience: API Identifier, which you can retrieve from the Settings of your API in the Auth0 Dashboard.

  • Client ID: Auth0 Application's Client ID, which you can retrieve from the Settings of your application in the Auth0 Dashboard.

  • Client Secret: Auth0 application's Client Secret, which you can retrieve from the Settings of your application in the Auth0 Dashboard.

Our implementation should perform a POST operation to the https://{yourDomain}/oauth/token endpoint with a payload in the following format:

  "audience": "YOUR_API_IDENTIFIER",
  "grant_type": "client_credentials",
  "client_id": "${account.client_id}",
  "client_secret": "${account.client_secret}"

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To learn more, see Call Your API Using the Client Credentials Flow.

See the implementation in Python.

Invoke the API

Now that we have an Access Token that includes the valid scopes, we can invoke our API.

To do so, we will:

  • Build a hard-coded timesheet entry in JSON format.

  • Add the Access Token as an Authorization header to our request.

  • Make the HTTP POST request.

  • Parse the response, and print it in the terminal (optional).

See the implementation in Python.