Test Social Connections with Auth0 Developer Keys

Test Social Connections with Auth0 Developer Keys


Key Concepts

  • Review the limitations of Auth0's developer keys.

When using any of the available social identity providers, you need to register your application with the relevant identity provider in order to obtain a Client ID and Client Secret.

Auth0 developer keys are not available in Private Cloud deployments.

For production environments, make sure to follow the steps for your chosen provider to obtain the Client ID and Client Secret from the provider to avoid the limitations of using developer keys.

Custom developer keys

One or more connections are using Auth0 development keys which are only intended for use in development and testing. The connections should be configured with your own Developer Keys to enable the consent page to show your logo instead of Auth0's and to configure Single Sign-on (SSO) for these connections. Auth0 development keys are not recommended for Production environments.

Client ID and Client Secret

The exact terminology of a Client ID / Client Secret may differ between various Identity Providers. For example, Twitter refers to these as a Consumer Key / Consumer Secret and LinkedIn refers to an API Key / Secret Key.

Limitations of developer keys

The Auth0 developer keys are to be used for testing purposes so there are a few caveats you need to be aware of when using them. These may cause your application to behave differently--or some functionality to not work at all--depending on whether you use your own Client ID and Client Secret, or whether you use the Auth0 developer keys.

When using the Auth0 developer keys, the authentication flow for the various identity providers may display Auth0's name, logo, and information to your users. When you register your own application, you have the opportunity to use your own logo and other application information instead.

Consent screen

Limitations of developer keys when using Universal Login

If you are using the Classic Universal Login experience - and in some circumstances, the New Universal Login Experience - the follow limitations also apply:

  1. You cannot use developer keys with custom domains.

  2. Single Sign-On will not function properly when using the Auth0 developer keys. The reason for this is that the Auth0 developer applications with all the relevant Identity Providers are configured to call back to the URL https://login.auth0.com/login/callback instead of the callback URL for your own tenant, for example https://{yourDomain}/login/callback. This results in the SSO cookie not being set on your own tenant domain, so the next time a user authenticates, no SSO cookie will be detected, even if you configured your application to Use Auth0 instead of the Identity Provider to do Single Sign-on (legacy tenants only).

  3. Redirecting users from Rules will not function properly. This is because redirect rules are resumed on the endpoint https://{yourDomain}/continue. When using Auth0's developer keys, the session is established on a special endpoint that is generic and tenant agnostic, and calling /continue will not find your previous session, resulting in an error.

  4. Federated Logout does not work. When using the Auth0 developer keys, calling /v2/logout?federated will sign the user out of Auth0, but not out of the Social Identity Provider.

  5. prompt=none won't work on the /authorize endpoint. Auth0.js' checkSession() method uses prompt=none internally, so that won't work either.

  6. If Auth0 is acting as a SAML Identity Provider, and you use a social connection with the Auth0 developer keys, the generated SAML response will have some errors, like a missing InResponseTo attribute or an empty AudienceRestriction element.

  7. Multi-Factor Authentication will not function properly. When MFA authentication is successful, a post will generate in https://{yourDomain}/mf. When using Auth0's developer keys, the session is established on a special endpoint that is generic and tenant agnostic, and calling /mf will not find your previous session, resulting in an error