Classic Universal Login Experience

Classic Universal Login Experience

Auth0's Classic Universal Login experience is built on top of Auth0's JavaScript libraries (Lock.js, auth0.js, MFA Widget, and Password Reset).

When you customize the HTML the Universal Login pages in the Dashboard, the default templates will also use the same JavaScript libraries, so from a UX and functional perspective, the transition between the default user interface and a custom one is more natural.

The Classic Experience has extensive customization options available. To learn more, read Customize Classic Universal Login Experience. After you choose one of the templates, you can modify it to meet your needs. The Lock widget also has a variety of both appearance and behavior options that you can customize. The Auth0.js templates have even more flexibility because you can create a custom user interface and modify it to match your application's style.

Auth0 will make any new feature development in the New Universal Login Experience. To learn more, read New Universal Login Experience. To see a feature comparison between the two implementations, read New Universal Login vs. Classic Universal Login.

Implement Universal Login

To learn how to set up your application to use Universal Login, read our Quickstarts. Choose the approach that best fits your technologies, and the Quickstarts walk you through the implementation.

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