Auth0 Hooks

Auth0 Hooks

Hooks are secure, self-contained functions that allow you to customize the behavior of Auth0 when executed for selected extensibility points of the Auth0 platform. Auth0 invokes hooks during runtime to execute your custom Node.js code. To learn more, read Extensibility Points.

Whether hooks can be used with connections varies according to extensibility point. Hooks that can be used with connections only work with database and passwordless connections. To learn more, read Database Connections and Passwordless Connections.

Read... To learn...                                
Create Hooks How to create hooks using the Dashboard or the Management API.
Update Hooks How to update hooks using the Dashboard or the Management API.
Delete Hooks How to delete hooks using the Dashboard or the Management API.
Enable/Disable Hooks How to enable and disable hooks using the Dashboard and Management API.
View Hooks How to view hooks using the Dashboard and Management API.
View Logs for Hooks How to view real-time log events for specific configured hooks.
Extensibility Points About Auth0 extensibility points where hooks can be executed.
Hook Secrets About how hooks store secrets and how to manage them.