Customize Emails

Customize Emails

You can configure a test SMTP email server in your development or test environments to check for successful email delivery and view how emails you send appear to recipients prior to going to production. To learn more, read Configure Test SMTP Email Server.

Auth0's built-in email provider is not supported for use in a production environment, should only be used for testing, and has several restrictions:

  • You will not be able to use any of the email customization features. The content of the emails sent for testing will be restricted to the format of the existing templates.

  • All emails will be sent from a predefined from address (

  • You will be restricted to sending no more than 10 emails per minute, regardless of email type.

  • Your ability to send email from your tenant may be reduced (or even temporarily blocked) if your emails result in high bounce rates.

To remove these restrictions, you must set up your own email provider. Some options are:

After you have configured your own email service provider, go to Dashboard > Branding > Email Templates to customize your emails. If you have an Auth0 database connection, there are several email templates you can use as part of the authentication flow:

  • Verification emails (using link or code)

  • Welcome emails

  • Enroll in MFA emails

  • Change password emails

  • Blocked account emails

  • Password breach alert emails

  • Verification code for email MFA

  • User invitation

You can restrict user signups to an application with user invitations as a provisioning workflow, either in conjunction with or as an alternative to self-provisioning. To learn more, read Send Email Invitations for Application Signup.

A paid subscription plan is required for email customization. To learn more, read Auth0 Pricing Page.

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