Private Cloud Add-on Features

Private Cloud Add-on Features

The Private Cloud deployment option comes with two additional add-on features: Geo-failover and PCI compliance. If you have any questions about these features, please contact Auth0 Sales.

Private Cloud Geo-Failover

Geo-failover is an active-passive failover configuration, which allows customers to specify a secondary failover region to use in the event of a major regional outage. In general, any region in the same cloud provider that is within 100ms latency can be selected as a failover region. In some cases, however, cloud providers prefer specific failover regions. The Auth0 onboarding team will work with you to select the best regions for your use case.

Additionally, a third "tie break" region is required for one of our data stores. This third region never receives live traffic but is required to elect a new leader in the event of a failover. Auth0 can also help you select the best option for this region.

If a regional failure is detected, Geo-failover triggers on the customer's behalf by Auth0. The entire process is automated once triggered. When confirmation the region is no longer experiencing issues is received, Auth0 will failback to the primary region.

PCI Compliance

PCI Compliance is available as an add-on to customers who require it.