GDPR: Right to Access, Correct, and Erase Data

GDPR: Right to Access, Correct, and Erase Data

As per articles 15, 16, 17, and 19 of GDPR, users have the right to get a copy of their personal data you are processing, ask for rectifications if they are inaccurate, and ask you to delete their personal data.

With Auth0, you can access, edit, and delete user information manually, using the Dashboard, or programmatically, using the Management API.

Manual process

You can view, edit, and delete user information at Auth0 Dashboard > User Management > Users. Drill down to a user to view their information. The information you can change is:

Field How to edit
Email Click Edit. Set the new email.
Email verified Click Edit at the Εmail field. Click the Set email as verified link.
Metadata Both the app_metadata and the user_metadata objects are editable from this screen. Edit the JSON at the Metadata section and save your changes.
Blocked Not directly editable. Click Actions > Block User at the top right of this screen. To unblock click Actions > Unblock User.
Email Not directly editable. Click Actions > Change Email at the top right of this screen.
Password Not directly editable. Click Actions > Change Password at the top right of this screen.

To delete a user, click Actions > Delete User.

Programmatic process

You can retrieve, edit, and delete user information using our API. Choose an endpoint that matches your needs:

  • Retrieve a user using the ID as search criteria

  • Retrieve a user using the Email as search criteria

  • Export all users to a file using a long running job

  • Update a user. Note that not all fields are editable (see the next section). Keep in mind that:

    • The properties of the new object will replace the old ones. The user_metadata and app_metadata fields are an exception to this rule. These properties are merged instead of being replaced, though the merge happens only on the first level.

    • If you are updating email_verified, phone_verified, username, or password, you must set the connection parameter.

    • If your are updating email or phone_number, you must set the connection and the client_id parameters.

  • Delete a user based on the ID

In order to call any of the API endpoints, you will need an valid access token. This token must have the required permissions per endpoint. Each endpoint at the Management API explorer has a scopes section that lists the scope(s) that the access token must contain in order to access it. Once you know which endpoint you want to access, and you have a valid access token, you are ready to send your request.

Editable data

The following user information can be updated using the API:

  • blocked

  • email_verified

  • email

  • verify_email

  • password

  • phone_number

  • phone_verified

  • verify_password

  • user_metadata

  • app_metadata

  • username

The following user information are not editable:

  • given_name

  • family_name

  • name

  • nickname

  • picture

Searchable fields

You can search for users using the following:

  • All the normalized user profile fields

  • The profile information under the user_metadata object:

    • name

    • nickname

    • given_name

    • family_name

You are responsible for ensuring customer is erased or data is updated in any other databases that Auth0 is not connected to.

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