Supported Standards

Supported Standards

This document list the supported standards of Verifiable Credentials in the Auth0 Lab instance.

Auth0 as Issuer

The OpenID Connect for Verifiable Credential Issuance specification defines an API designated as Credential Endpoint and corresponding OAuth-based authorization mechanisms for issuance of verifiable credentials.

This allows existing OAuth deployments and OpenID Connect OPs (like Auth0) to extend their service and become credential issuers. It also allows new applications built using Verifiable Credentials to utilize OAuth and OpenID Connect as integration and interoperability layer.

Supported Standards

Auth0 as Verifier

The OpenID Connect for Verifiable Presentations specification extends OpenID Connect with support for presentation of claims via Verifiable Credentials.

This allows existing relying parties to extend their reach towards claims sources asserting claims in this format. It also allows new applications built using verifiable credentials to utilize OpenID Connect as integration and interoperability layer towards credential holders.

The specification enables requesting and delivery of verifiable presentations in conjunction with Self-Issued OpenID Providers (SIOPv2) as well as traditional OpenID Providers.

Supported standards:

Supported signature algorithms

Key type JWT algorithm JSON-LD Data Integrity
Ed25519 EdDSA Ed25519VerificationKey2018
secp256k1 ES256K EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019