External APIs with OIDC

External APIs with OIDC

With the OIDC-conformant pipeline, you should define applications and APIs (resources) as separate Auth0 entities. Benefits include:

  • Simpler API integration: APIs are no longer tied to applications that call them.

  • Machine-to-machine (M2M) integration scenarios: Applications can authenticate as themselves (instead of acting on behalf of a user) to programmatically and securely get an Access Token.


Suggested OIDC-conformant solutions for different scenarios include: 

  • Multiple applications calling an API under a single client ID: Represent each application with a single Auth0 application, each of which can interact with the API on which the applications depend.

  • Exchange tokens obtained by one application for tokens for a different application with delegation: Use a multi-application solution, with each application authenticating to the same resource server.

  • Applications do not depend on external APIs; only used to authenticate users: You do not need to define an API as long as ID tokens are:

    • Processed only by the application.

    • Not sent to any external services.

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