Implicit Flow with OIDC

Implicit Flow with OIDC

Traditionally, the Implicit Flow was used by applications that were incapable of securely storing secrets. Using this flow is no longer considered a best practice for requesting access tokens; new implementations should use Authorization Code Flow with PKCE. However, when used with Form Post response mode, Implicit Flow does offer a streamlined workflow if the application needs only an ID token to perform user authentication; in these cases, it would be used as part of the Hybrid Flow.

Refresh tokens will no longer be returned when using the Implicit Flow for authentication.

In addition, the OIDC-conformant pipeline affects the Implicit Flow in the following areas: authentication request, authentication response, ID token structure, and access token structure.

Authentication request


GET /authorize?
    &scope=openid email favorite_color offline_access

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The device parameter is only needed if requesting a refresh token by passing the offline_access scope. To learn more, read Refresh Tokens.


GET /authorize?
    response_type=token id_token
    &scope=openid email

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Authentication response


HTTP/1.1 302 Found

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  • The returned access token is valid for calling the /userinfo endpoint.

  • A refresh token will be returned only if a device parameter was passed and the offline_access scope was requested.


HTTP/1.1 302 Found

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  • The returned access token is valid for calling the /userinfo endpoint (provided that the API specified by the audience param uses RS256 as signing algorithm) and optionally the resource server specified by the audience parameter.

  • If using response_type=id_token, Auth0 will only return an ID token. Refresh Tokens are not allowed in the implicit grant. Use prompt=none instead.

ID token structure


    "sub": "auth0|alice",
    "iss": "https://{yourDomain}/",
    "aud": "123",
    "exp": 1482809609,
    "iat": 1482773609,
    "email": "",
    "email_verified": true,
    "favorite_color": "blue"

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    "sub": "auth0|alice",
    "iss": "https://{yourDomain}/",
    "aud": "123",
    "exp": 1482809609,
    "iat": 1482773609,
    "email": "",
    "email_verified": true,
    "": "blue",
    "nonce": "jxdlsjfi0fa"

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  • The favorite_color claim must be namespaced and added through a rule. To learn more, read Create Namespaced Custom Claims.

  • After validating the ID token, the application must validate the nonce to mitigate replay attacks.

Access token structure (optional)



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The returned Access Token is opaque and only valid for calling the /userinfo endpoint.


    "sub": "auth0|alice",
    "iss": "https://{yourDomain}/",
    "aud": [
    "azp": "123",
    "exp": 1482816809,
    "iat": 1482809609,
    "scope": "openid email"

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  • The returned access token is a JWT valid for calling the /userinfo endpoint (provided that the API specified by the audience param uses RS256 as signing algorithm) as well as the resource server specified by the audience parameter.

  • An opaque access token could still be returned if /userinfo is the only specified audience.

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