Configure IdP-Initiated SAML Sign-on to OIDC Apps

Configure IdP-Initiated SAML Sign-on to OIDC Apps

Auth0 provides a method to translate an Identity Provider-initiated (IdP) SAML response into an OpenID Connect (OIDC) response for an application.

The OIDC protocol does not support IdP-initiated authentication flows, but this method allows you to simulate an IdP-initiated authentication flow using the Implicit Flow with Form Post.

If you’d like to implement this method, you must:

  • Add a custom login route handler to your application.

  • Update your SAML connection to:

    1. Accept incoming IdP-initiated SAML responses.

    2. Redirect to a default application that sends a Service Provider-initiated authentication request.

How it works

Identity Provider-initiated SAML sign-in to OIDC applications flow diagram
  1. User navigates to the SAML IdP’s login endpoint.

  2. SAML IdP returns the login page.

  3. User submits credentials to the SAML IdP.

  4. SAML IdP creates a session for the user and then returns an HTML page with Form Post and the SAML response.

  5. Page automatically sends the SAML response to the Auth0 tenant through an HTTP POST call.

  6. Auth0 tenant redirects the user’s browser to the OIDC application’s custom login route handler with the ID token as a URL fragment.

  7. Browser calls the custom login route handler of the OIDC application with the connection parameter and the ID token.

  8. OIDC application ignores the ID token, parses the connection parameter, creates a state parameter for the session, and then redirects the user’s browser to the Auth0 tenant’s /authorize endpoint.

  9. Browser calls the Auth0 tenant’s /authorize endpoint with the provided connection and state parameters.

  10. Auth0 tenant generates a SAML login request and then redirects the user’s browser to SAML IdP’s login endpoint.

  11. Browser sends the SAML login request to the SAML IdP’s login endpoint.

  12. SAML IdP finds the user’s session and then returns an HTML page with Form Post and the SAML response.

  13. Page automatically sends the SAML response to the Auth0 tenant through an HTTP POST call.

  14. Auth0 tenant redirects the user’s browser to the application’s login route handler.

  15. Browser calls the application’s login route handler with the provided state parameter and ID token.

  16. OIDC application verifies the state parameter, parses the ID token and creates an application session for the user.

Create the custom login route handler

The custom login route handler calls your application’s login method. The handler must accept the connection parameter and include it in the authentication request sent to your Auth0 tenant.

We recommend that you associate the custom login route handler with a different endpoint than the one associated with your standard login route handler. For example, if your standard login route handler is associated with the /login endpoint, you could associate the custom login route handler with the /startlogin endpoint.


If you are using the Auth0 Single Page App SDK, you can add a custom login route handler and update the login method to support the connection parameter like so:

const router = {
  "/": () => showContent("content-home"),
  "/profile": () =>
    requireAuth(() => showContent("content-profile"), "/profile"),
  "/login": () => login(),
  "/startlogin": () => startlogin()

//new method to start login from idp-initiated callback
const startlogin = async () => {
  let myURL = new URL(window.location.href);
  let conn = myURL.searchParams.get("connection");
  return  login(null, conn);

 * Starts the authentication flow
const login = async (targetUrl, connection) => {
  try {
    console.log("Logging in", targetUrl);

    const options = {
      redirect_uri: window.location.origin,

    if (connection) {
      options.connection = connection;

    if (targetUrl) {
      options.appState = { targetUrl };

    await auth0.loginWithRedirect(options);
  } catch (err) {
    console.log("Log in failed", err);

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Create the query string

The query string contains the redirect_uri parameter. The parameter’s value must be URL encoded and is composed of:

  1. The application endpoint associated with the custom login route handler.

  2. The connection parameter with the value of your SAML connection name.


If your application endpoint is and your SAML connection name is my-saml-connection, the query string would be

Configure the application

  1. Go to Auth0 Dashboard > Applications > Applications.

  2. Create a new Application to represent the OIDC application in Auth0.

  3. Update Allowed Callback URLs to include the application endpoint associated with your custom login route handler.

Configure the connection

  1. Go to Auth0 Dashboard > Authentication > Enterprise > SAML.

  2. Create a new SAML connection.

  3. Switch to the IdP-Initiated SSO view.

  4. Select Accept Requests.

  5. For Default Application, select the application you previously created.

  6. For Response Protocol, select OpenID Connect.

  7. For Query String, enter the query string you previously created.

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