Actions Triggers: credentials-exchange - Event Object

Actions Triggers: credentials-exchange - Event Object

The event object for the credentials-exchange Actions trigger provides contextual information about the request for a client credentials exchange.



Information about the access token to be issued.

Includes the following properties:

  • customClaims Dictionary.
  • scope Array of strings.


Information about the Client used during this token exchange.

Includes the following properties:

  • client_id String. The client id of the application the user is logging in to.
  • metadata Dictionary. An object for holding other application properties.
  • name String. The name of the application (as defined on the dashboard).


Details about the request that initiated the transaction.

Includes the following properties:

  • body Dictionary. The body of the POST request. This data will only be available during Refresh Token and Client Credential Exchange flows.
  • geoip Object.

    Includes the following properties:

    • cityName Optional string.
    • continentCode Optional string.
    • countryCode Optional string.
    • countryCode3 Optional string.
    • countryName Optional string.
    • latitude Optional number.
    • longitude Optional number.
    • timeZone Optional string.
    • subdivisionCode Optional string.
    • subdivisionName Optional string.
  • hostname Optional string. The hostname that is being used for the authentication flow.
  • ip String. The originating IP address of the request.
  • language Optional string. The language requested by the browser.
  • method String. The HTTP method used for the request
  • user_agent Optional string. The value of the User-Agent header received when initiating the transaction.


Information about the Resource Server that is issueing the access tokeResource Server that is issuing the access token.

Includes the following properties:

  • identifier String. The identifier of the resource server. For example:


Information about the Tenant used during this token exchange.

Includes the following properties:

  • id String. The name of the tenant.


Information about the Credentials Exchange transaction.

Includes the following properties:

  • requested_scopes Array of strings. The scopes specified (if any) when requesting the access token.