Configure Features to Use Custom Domains

Configure Features to Use Custom Domains

To configure Auth0 features to use your custom domain, you may need to complete additional steps depending on the features you are using. For example, you may need to make changes before you can use your custom domain on your login page or to call your APIs.

If you have been using Auth0 for some time and decide to enable a custom domain, you will have to migrate your existing apps and update the settings as described below. Note that existing sessions created at {yourDomain} will no longer be valid once you start using your custom domain, so users will have to log in again.


You should have already configured and verified your custom domain.


Feature Section to read
Universal Login with a customized login page Universal Login
Lock embedded in your application Embedded Lock
Auth0 SPA SDK, Auth0.js, or other Auth0 SDKs Auth0 SPA SDK, Auth0.js, and other SDKs
Custom domain with Auth0 emails Use custom domains in emails
Social identity providers Configure social identity providers
Google Workspace connections with your custom domain Configure Google Workspace connections
Issue Access Tokens for your APIs or access Auth0 APIs from your application APIs
SAML Identity Providers Configure SAML identity providers
SAML applications Configure SAML applications
Web Service Federation (WS-Fed) applications Configure WS-Fed applications
Azure AD connections Configure Azure AD connections
ADFS connections Configure ADFS connections
AD/LAP connections with Kerberos support Configure AD/LAP connections

Universal Login

If you use Auth0 Universal Login and you have customized the login page, you must update the code to use your custom domain. If you use the default login page without customization, you do not need to make any changes. To learn more, read Auth0 Universal Login.

If you use Lock for Web, you must set the configurationBaseUrl and overrides options as seen in the following sample script:

var lock = new Auth0Lock(config.clientID, config.auth0Domain, {
  //code omitted for brevity
  configurationBaseUrl: config.clientConfigurationBaseUrl,
  overrides: {
  	__tenant: config.auth0Tenant,
  	__token_issuer: config.authorizationServer.issuer
  //code omitted for brevity

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If you use Auth0.js on the Universal Login page, you must set the overrides option.

var webAuth = new auth0.WebAuth({
  clientID: config.clientID,
  domain: config.auth0Domain,
  //code omitted for brevity
  overrides: {
  	__tenant: config.auth0Tenant,
  	__token_issuer: config.authorizationServer.issuer
  //code omitted for brevity

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For most, the Auth0.js and Lock libraries retrieve the tenant name (required for /usernamepassword/login) and the issuer (required for id_token validation) from the domain. However, if you're a Private Cloud customer who uses a proxy or a custom domain name where the domain name is different from the tenant/issuer, you can use __tenant and __token_issuer to provide your unique values.

Embedded Lock

If you use Lock for Web embedded in your application, you must update the code to use your custom domain when initializing Lock. You will also need to set the configurationBaseUrl to the appropriate CDN URL.

to configure this snippet with your account

var lock = new Auth0Lock('{yourClientId}', '{yourCustomDomain}', {
  //code omitted for brevity
  configurationBaseUrl: ''
  //code omitted for brevity

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The CDN URL varies by region. Use https://cdn.[us|eu|au|jp] (us for US, eu for Europe, au for Australia, or jp for Japan).

Auth0 SPA SDK, Auth0.js, and other SDKs

If you use the Auth0 SPA SDK, Auth0.js, or other SDKs, you will have to initialize the SDK using your custom domain. For example, if you are using the Auth0.js SDK, you must set the following:

to configure this snippet with your account

webAuth = new auth0.WebAuth({
  domain: '{yourCustomDomain}',
  clientID: '{yourClientId}'

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And for the Auth0 SPA SDK:

to configure this snippet with your account

const auth0 = await createAuth0Client({
  domain: '{yourCustomDomain}',
  client_id: '{yourClientId}'

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See APIs section below if you use a custom domain and also intend to perform Management API actions with Auth0.js.

Use custom domains in emails

If you want to use your custom domain with your Auth0 emails, you must enable this feature.

  1. Go to Auth0 Dashboard > Branding > Custom Domains.

  2. Enable the Use Custom Domain in Emails toggle.

Configure Social identity providers

If you want to use your custom domain with Social identity providers (IdP), you must update your IdP's list of Authorized Redirect URIs to include your custom domain (such as

You cannot use Auth0 developer keys with custom domains.

Configure Google Workspace connections

If you want to use your custom domain with Google Workspace connections, you must update the Authorized Redirect URI in your OAuth Client Settings. In the Google Developer Console, go to Credentials, choose your OAuth client in the list, and you will see a settings page with the app Client ID, secret, and other fields. In the Authorized redirect URIs field, add a URL in the format https://<YOUR-CUSTOM-DOMAIN>/login/callback that includes your custom domain (such as


API identifiers (i.e. audience) will not change. This is a constant value for each API, and despite the fact that it's conventional to use a URI, it is completely independent of the domain used to obtain the token.

Auth0 issues tokens with the iss claim of whichever domain you used to obtain the token.

Auth0 APIs

Continue to use your default tenant domain name (such as https://{yourDomain}/userinfo and https://{yourDomain}/api/v2/) instead of your custom domain when specifying an audience. This is the only place to use your default tenant domain.

All requests (i.e. obtaining the token, and actually calling the API) must use the same domain. Tokens obtained via a custom domain must be used on an Auth0 API using the same custom domain.

If you use an authentication flow with your Custom Domain to request Access Tokens to access the Management API, you must call the Management API endpoint with your Custom Domain too.

... // other parameters 

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Your Access Token request should be something similar to


Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

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Custom APIs

If you use Auth0 with a custom domain to issue Access Tokens for your APIs, you must validate the JWT issuer(s) against your custom domain. For example, if you use the express-jwt middleware, you must make the following change:

  issuer: 'https://<YOUR-CUSTOM-DOMAIN>/',
  //code omitted for brevity

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Configure SAML identity providers

To use your custom domain with SAML Identity Providers (IdPs), you must update your Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL(s) with the Identity Provider(s). Depending on what is supported by the IdP, you can do this in one of two ways:

  1. You can get the service provider metadata from Auth0 at https://<YOUR-CUSTOM-DOMAIN>/samlp/metadata?connection=<YOUR-CONNECTION-NAME>. This will include the updated ACS URL. Then, you must manually update this value in your IdP(s) settings. This change to your IdP(s) must happen at the same time as you begin using your custom domain in your applications. This can pose a problem if there are multiple IdPs to configure.

  2. If supported by the IdP, you can use signed requests to fulfill this requirement:

  • Download the signing certificate from https://<TENANT> Note that https://<YOUR-CUSTOM-DOMAIN>.com/pem will return the same certificate

  • Give the certificate to the IdP(s) to upload. This enables the IdP to validate the signature on the AuthnRequest message that Auth0 sends to the IdP

  • The IdP will import the certificate and, if necessary, signature verification should be enabled (exact steps vary by IdP)

  • Turn on the Sign Request toggle in the Dashboard under Connections > Enterprise > SAML > CONNECTION. This will trigger Auth0 to sign the SAML AuthnRequest messages it sends to the IdP.

Once this is done, and you start using your custom domain when you initiate an authentication request in your application, the IdP will receive that custom domain in your signed request. Because your application’s signed request is trusted, the IdP should automatically override whatever was configured as your ACS URL and replace it with the value sent in the signed request. However, there are IdPs that do not accept the ACS URL in the signed request, so you must check with yours first to confirm whether this is supported or not.

If this is supported, it will prevent you from having to change one or many IdP settings all at the same time and allow you to prepare them to accept your signed requests ahead of time. You can then change the statically configured ACS URL in your IdP settings at a later date as well.

Note that if your SAML identity provider is configured to use your custom domain, testing the connection via the Try button in the Dashboard will not work and the default links for downloading metadata from Auth0 will always show the default domain, not the custom domain.

If you have an IdP-initiated authentication flow, you will need to update the IdP(s) and your application(s) at the same time to use the custom domain.

Configure SAML applications

If you want to use your custom domain with SAML applications (when Auth0 is the IdP), you must update your service provider with new identity provider metadata from Auth0. You can obtain the updated metadata reflecting the custom domain from https://<YOUR-CUSTOM-DOMAIN>/samlp/metadata/<YOUR-CLIENT-ID>. Note that the issuer entity ID for the assertion returned by Auth0 will change when using a custom domain (from something like to one with the custom domain, such as

If you have an IdP-initiated authentication flow, you will need to update the URL used to invoke the IdP-initiated authentication flow to reflect the custom domain. Instead of https://<TENANT><YOUR-CLIENT-ID>, you should use https://<YOUR-CUSTOM-DOMAIN>/samlp/<YOUR-CLIENT-ID>.

Configure WS-Fed applications

If you want to use your custom domain with WS-Fed applications with Auth0 as the IdP, you must update your Service Provider with new identity provider metadata from Auth0. You can obtain the metadata reflecting the custom domain from https://<YOUR-CUSTOM-DOMAIN>/wsfed/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml.

Configure Azure AD connections

If you want to use your custom domain with Azure AD connections, you must update the Allowed Reply URL in your Azure AD settings. In your Azure Active Directory, go to Apps registrations and select your app. Then click Settings -> Reply URLs and add a URL with your custom domain in the format https://<YOUR-CUSTOM-DOMAIN>/login/callback (such as

Configure ADFS connections

If you want to use your custom domain with ADFS connections, you must update the endpoint in your ADFS settings. This will need to be updated to use your custom domain in the callback URL in the format https://<YOUR-CUSTOM-DOMAIN>/login/callback (such as

Configure AD/LDAP connections

If you do not need Kerberos support, AD/LDAP connections do not require further configuration.

In order to use AD/LDAP connections with Kerberos support, you will need to update the Ticket endpoint to work with the custom domain. As mentioned in the Auth0 AD/LDAP connector documentation, the config.json file needs to be modified, with the PROVISIONING_TICKET value changed to use your custom domain in the format https://<YOUR-CUSTOM-DOMAIN>/p/ad/jUG0dN0R.

Once this change is saved, you need to restart the AD/LDAP Connector service for the change to take effect.

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