Customize Translation of Lock Password Options

Customize Translation of Lock Password Options

You can customize the translation of the following Lock password features in your own code:

  • Password Strength

  • Password History

  • Change Password widget

To customize any of these features, you must include version 1.1 or higher of the Change Password widget library:

<script src=""></script>

To translate the text of each of the Lock password features, include the following code, replacing all strings with text in the desired language:

Password Strength

dict: {
    passwordStrength: {
      containsAtLeast: "Contain at least %d of the following %d types of characters:",
      identicalChars: "No more than %d identical characters in a row (such as, \"%s\" not allowed)",
      nonEmpty: "Non-empty password required",
      numbers: "Numbers (such as 0-9)",
      lengthAtLeast: "At least %d characters in length",
      lowerCase: "Lower case letters (a-z)",
      shouldContain: "Should contain:",
      specialCharacters: "Special characters (such as !@#$%^&*)",
      upperCase: "Upper case letters (A-Z)"

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Password History

dict: {
  passwordHistoryError: "Password has previously been used"

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Change Password widget

dict: {
    passwordPlaceholder: "your new password",
    passwordConfirmationPlaceholder: "confirm your new password",
    passwordConfirmationMatchError: "Please ensure the password and the confirmation are the same.",
    successMessage: "Your password has been reset successfully.",
    configurationError: "An error occurred. There appears to be a misconfiguration in the form.",
    networkError: "The server cannot be reached, there is a problem with the network.",
    timeoutError: "The server cannot be reached, please try again.",
    serverError: "There was an error processing the password reset.",
    headerText: "Enter a new password for<br />{email}",
    title: "Change Password",
    weakPasswordError: "Password is too weak."

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