About the Quarterly Snapshot

About the Quarterly Snapshot

The Quarterly Snapshot provides highlights of usage and value at an account level, including aggregated information on how you’re measuring against quota, your identity environment, and threat detection.

The feature is automatically enabled when Auth0 Teams is provisioned. It is exclusively available for select enterprise customers managed by the Digital Technical Account Manager (DTAM).

Things to know

  • The Quarterly Snapshot is accessible only through Auth0 Teams. Auth0 Teams should be provisioned for the account prior to the calendar quarter start. 

  • The Quarterly Snapshot is a feature accessible to a select group of enterprise customers managed by the DTAM.

  • Team Owner(s) can view and download the Quarterly Snapshot in the Reports section of the Auth0 Teams dashboard. The Report Viewers Role has access only to the Quarterly Snapshot reports and is managed by the Team Owner(s).

  • Metric objects in the Quarterly Snapshots may vary as a result of an accounts entitlements, enabled features, and usage.

  • All metrics are aggregated at an account level. For more information, refer to the Metrics table below.


Here are the metrics you may see on your Quarterly Snapshot.

Metric What it measures Comments
Monthly Active Users (MAU) Measures the unique monthly active users on the account as compared to your quota. For detailed information on a tenant level, please reference the Support Center Quota report.
Machine to Machine (M2M) Tokens Shows the number of access tokens issued by Auth0 for the client credentials grant. Tokens issued for Auth0 Management API or other Auth0 built in APIs are not counted. For detailed information on a tenant level, please reference the Support Center Quota report.
Active Enterprise Connections This metric displays the number of enterprise connections an account is using. For more details about your quota, contact your Account Executive.
New User Signups This displays how many new users (user registrations) were added to your tenant(s) in the months of this quarter. Available in the Management dashboard.
Dormant Users This metric represents the monthly average users that haven’t authenticated in the last month.
Brute-force Protection Requests blocked by the Brute-force Protection feature, if enabled. This metric summarizes all requests blocked specifically on production tenants. Stay tuned for the Security Center add-on coming in 2023.
Suspicious IP Throttling Requests blocked by the Suspicious IP Throttling feature, if enabled. This metric sums all requests blocked specifically on production tenants. Stay tuned for the Security Center add-on coming in 2023.