Manage Users Using the Dashboard

Manage Users Using the Dashboard

You can use the Dashboard to manage your users. To begin, go to Dashboard > User Management > Users. This is where you create, view, modify, or delete users.

Availability varies by Auth0 plan and login method

Both the login implementation you use and your Auth0 plan or custom agreement affect whether this feature is available. To learn more, read New Universal Login vs. Classic Universal Login and Pricing.

By default, user profile attributes provided by identity providers other than Auth0 (such as Google, Facebook, Twitter) are not directly editable because they are updated from the identity provider each time the user logs in.

To be able to edit the name, nickname, given_name, family_name, or picture root attributes on the normalized user profile, you must configure your connection sync with Auth0 so that user attributes will be updated from the identity provider only on user profile creation. These root attributes will then be available to be edited individually or by bulk imports

To learn how to manage Auth0 Dashboard access for your team members, read Manage Dashboard Access.

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