User Object Properties in Rules

User Object Properties in Rules

The user object stores information about the logged-in user, returned by the identity provider. It is generated when a user authenticates and before rules run. Because of the order of events when a user authenticates, changes made to a user's profile from within a rule will only be available in the current user object if you also save the changes to the user object from within the same rule.

To learn more about the authentication transaction flow, read the "How rules work" section in Create Rules.


The following properties are available for the user object.

Property Data Type Description
user.app_metadata object Custom fields that store info about a user that influences the user's access, such as support plan, security roles, or access control groups. Is `undefined` by default. For more info, see Metadata.
user.created_at date time Timestamp indicating when the user profile was first created. text (unique) User's email address.
user.email_verified boolean Indicates whether the user has verified their email address.
user.family_name text User's family name.
user.given_name text User's given name.
user.identities array (object) Contains info retrieved from the identity provider with which the user originally authenticates. Users may also link their profile to multiple identity providers; those identities will then also appear in this array. The contents of an individual identity provider object varies by provider, but it will typically include the following:
  • connection (text): Name of the Auth0 connection used to authenticate the user.
  • isSocial (boolean): Indicates whether the connection is a social one.
  • provider (text): Name of the entity that is authenticating the user, such as Facebook, Google, SAML, or your own provider.
  • user_id (text): User's unique identifier for this connection/provider. The first user_id linked becomes the primary unique identifier for the user.
  • profileData (object): User information associated with the connection. When profiles are linked, it is populated with the associated user info for secondary accounts.
In some cases, it will also include an API Access Token to be used with the provider.
user.last_password_reset date time Timestamp indicating the last time the user's password was reset/changed. At user creation, this field does not exist. This property is only available for Database connections.
user.multifactor array (text) List of multi-factor authentication (MFA) providers with which the user is enrolled. This array is updated when the user enrolls in MFA and when an administrator resets a user's MFA enrollments. text User's full name.
user.nickname text User's nickname.
user.permissions text Permissions assigned to the user's ID token if using the Authorization Extension.
user.phone_number text User's phone number. Only valid for users with SMS connections.
user.phone_verified boolean Indicates whether the user has verified their phone number. Only valid for users with SMS connections.
user.picture text URL pointing to the user's profile picture.
user.updated_at date time Timestamp indicating when the user's profile was last updated/modified. Changes to last_login are considered updates, so most of the time, updated_at will match last_login.
user.user_id text (unique) User's primary unique identifier.
user.user_metadata object Custom fields that store info about a user that does not impact what they can or cannot access, such as work address, home address, or user preferences. For more info, see Metadata.
user.username text (unique) User's username.