Rule Use Cases
The following is a list of Rules for implementing a variety of functionality in Auth0.
Before proceeding, please review our best practice recommendations for working with Rules. Also, see our security bulletin regarding vulnerable patterns when working with custom rules code.
API Authorization
Map an AWS role to an IAM policy that enforces access rules for AWS resources
Integrate with eCommerce and Retail Fraud Management Solutions
Integrate with Salesforce Customer Relationship Management Solutions
Record sign up events for your Auth0 apps in Keen, Segment, or Splunk
Track new leads in Salesforce by gathering TowerData information and adding it to user profiles, then recording the sign up as a new lead in Salesforce
Track new signups in Salesforce by recording a sign up event in MixPanel, augmenting user profiles with information from FullContact, and recording the sign up as a new lead in Salesforce
Multi-factor Authentication
Define the conditions that trigger additional authentication challenges when users log in
Require users to authenticate with MFA whenever a specific scope is requested
Require users to authenticate with MFA whenever requested by the web app