Check Login and Logout Issues

Check Login and Logout Issues

Here are things to check to help you narrow down when issues occur during login and logout.

Login Issues

Is the user prompted for login credentials?

  • Does the HAR file show a call to the authorization server (/authorize endpoint)?

  • Is the connection enabled for the application?

  • Is the remote authorization service available?

  • If using the Auth0 Universal Login Page, try turning off customization and see if authentication works. If login works without your customizations, review your Universal Login Page customization code.

Is an error message shown after entering credentials?

  • Can you test login another way to ensure credentials are correct?

  • If password expiration is a possibility, check if password has expired.

  • Check your browser's developer tools or web inspector console for errors in the flow before returning to Auth0.

  • Check the HAR file - does it show a return to Auth0 (/login/callback endpoint)?

    • If not, check that the identity provider has the correct callback URL for Auth0.

Is a login session established for the user at the authorization server?

  • To test this, open a second tab in the same browser and go to the same URL. Are you prompted to log in again?

    • If you're not prompted to log in, a session is there.

Is a log entry created in your Auth0 Logs?

  • If no log entry was created the authentication transaction did not complete or return to Auth0.

  • Check the response from the authorization server for error messages.

  • Check authorization server logs (if possible) for errors.

Is an entry created in Auth0 user’s screen with all correct profile info?

  • If not, check the response from authorization server in the HAR file. It may not be returning information about the user

  • If you're using rules, check your rules scripts for issues.

  • If you're using a custom database connection, check your database action scripts for issues.

  • If you're using LDAP, check the profile mapper script (profileMapper.js) for issues.

  • Check your social connection configurations for what profile information is requested.

Does the HAR file show a token or assertion returned to application?

  • Look in the HAR file for the call to your application callback URL.

  • Find the ID Token (id_token) and check if it has the information needed by the application.

If you decode the token or assertion does it have information you expect?

If the logged in user cannot access another application with Single Sign-on

  1. Is the user trying to login to the second application from the same browser as their initial login?

  2. Go to your Tenant Settings > Advanced Settings and check the Log In Session Management settings. Was the second login attempt within the timeout periods?

  3. Check the value passed as the prompt parameter in /authorize call.

  4. Is the connection used to log in to the first application enabled for the second application?

  5. Did the second application receive all the necessary user profile information?

  6. If using a mobile device, you'll need to use a browser-based flow. For more information, see Best Practices.

Check application logs

  • Do your application logs show any errors?

  • Did the application receive all the information it needs, such as groups or user profile attributes?

Logout issues

  • Did you add your logout redirect URLs to the allow list? If you are using a redirect URL in a logout call it must be registered in either the tenant or application settings.

  • If you need federated logout, did you append the ?federated parameter to the logout call?

  • Make sure that the logout redirect URL is different from the login callback URL.

  • Make the logout redirect URL an anonymous page (not protected by login) so that redirects to the logout redirect URL do not immediately trigger a login, which may confuse users.