Troubleshoot Authorization Extension

Troubleshoot Authorization Extension

The following issues are some you might see when setting up the Authorization Extension, as well as some tips to help you identify the cause.

The authentication results in a token contain group information but not roles or permissions information

If this happens, chances are that you created roles and permissions for one application, but your users are authenticating using another application. For example, let's say that you created all your roles/permissions against Website A. However, you also create another website application in Auth0 for Website B. Then, you use the client_id and client_secret for Website B, instead of those for Website A, in your app.

Alternatively, you might see this if you click the Try Connection button in the Auth0 Dashboard on a Connection that contains one of your users. This will execute an authentication flow using the Auth0 global application, but this is not the same as the application you configured in the extension.

Application is not shown in the drop-down menu when setting up the extension

The supported application types for the Authorization extension are:

  • Native apps

  • Single-page web apps

  • Regular web apps

Applications with no type assigned and machine to machine applications are not supported.

After upgrading to v2, users get an error upon login

If you see the error You are not allowed to access this application, most probably there is some conflict with the old rule. Turn off the persistence settings, delete the existing rule, re-enable the settings, and test again.

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