Deprecation Errors

Deprecation Errors

When Auth0 features are deprecated, there may be errors or notices in the tenant logs that show up to indicate that your applications are using the deprecated features. This guide will provide assistance with searching your logs for deprecation-related messages as well as explanations of potential causes and resolutions for particular items.

There are two different ways to search for warning messages showing usage of deprecated features: The Dashboard or the Management API. Note that in either case, the log retention period is governed by the subscription level of your account.

See Search Logs for Deprecation Errors for details.

Deprecation log messages

Legacy Lock API

Log entry: up-idp-initiated

Error Message: "Legacy Lock API: This feature is being deprecated. Please refer to our documentation to learn how to migrate your application."

Cause: Tenant log entries regarding the Legacy Lock API may include the referrer and information about the SDK used.

Resolution: Use this information to see if any of your applications use outdated libraries.

SSOdata endpoint

Log entry: ssodata

Error Message: "SSOdata endpoint: This feature is being deprecated. Please refer to our documentation to learn how to migrate your application."

Cause: Either calling the /ssodata endpoint directly or using old versions of embedded Lock or Auth0.js SDK to call a function which called the /ssodata endpoint.

Resolution: Migrate to Universal Login

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