Check for Deprecation Errors

Check for Deprecation Errors

When Auth0 features are deprecated, there may be errors or notices in the tenant logs that show up to indicate that your applications are using the deprecated features. This guide will provide assistance with searching your logs for deprecation-related messages as well as explanations of potential causes and resolutions for particular items.

There are two different ways to search for warning messages showing usage of deprecated features: The Dashboard or the Management API. Note that in either case, the log retention period is governed by the subscription level of your account.

Use the Dashboard

If your application uses a deprecated feature, a Deprecation Notice message will appear in the Logs section of the Dashboard. Deprecation notices are only shown once per hour (the first time the error occurs within that hour) rather than for each authentication transaction involving the deprecated feature.

  1. Go to Dashboard > Monitoring > Logs and search for deprecation-related messages by entering type:depnote in the query box. A list of deprecation-related warning messages from your logs will appear, if any exist. The Description field provides information on the particular deprecated feature used.

  2. Click on the link in the Type column for each item to show additional information such as the client ID which identifies the client application using the deprecated feature.

  3. Click log entries and select the Context Data tab to show details about the item.

Use the Management API

You can also use the Management API to search through logs for such messages by looking for type:"depnote".

  1. Go to the Management API. If you have not already done so, get an API token.

  2. On the left, go to Logs > Search log events and then scroll down to Parameters.

  3. In the q field enter: type:"depnote".

  4. Click on the TRY button. The Client ID field in the results will indicate which application on your tenant is using the deprecated feature.

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