Troubleshoot Extensions

Troubleshoot Extensions

If you see issues with an extensions, we recommend that you begin the troubleshooting process with the following two steps:

  1. Reinstall the extension.

  2. Migrate to Node.js v12.

To learn more about different extensions Auth0 offers, read Auth0 Extension.

Reinstall the Extension

One of the first things you can do when running into issues with an extension is to reinstall it:

  1. Go to Auth0 Dashboard > Extensions.

  2. On the Installed Extensions tab, delete the extension.

  3. Log out of the Auth0 Dashboard.

  4. Log back in to the Auth0 Dashboard.

  5. Reinstall and reconfigure the extension.

Migrate to Node.js v12

We recommend changing your tenant's extensibility runtime from Node.js v8 to Node.js v12. Before updating, however, review the migration guide for full details on what will be affected by this change.

You can change the Node.js runtime version by going to the Extensibility section in Auth0 Dashboard > Settings > Advanced.

Contact Support

If you are still experiencing issues with your extension, and you need to contact Auth0 support, please be sure to include errors logs and/or real-time Webtask logs with your support ticket. Errors and logs can help Auth0 support troubleshoot your issue faster.