Default Auth0 Error Page

Default Auth0 Error Page

If your callback URL is valid, when an authorization error occurs, the Authorization Server returns the appropriate error and state parameters to your callback URL. In cases where your callback URL is invalid, your application will display the default generic Auth0 error page. Alternatively, you can customize the error pages. To learn more, read Custom Error Pages.

To find the default page name for the generic error page, see Use Version Control to Manage Your Universal Login Pages.


The generic error page displays the following information if you have configured the associated fields in your Tenant Settings.

Field Description
Friendly Name Name of your company
Logo URL URL of your company logo
Support Email Email address of your company's support team
Support URL URL of your company's support page


The Authorization Server returns parameters appended to the URL as a query string.

Parameter Description
client_id Identifier of the Auth0 application.
connection Connection used at the time of error.
lang Language set for use at the time of error.
error Status code of the error.
error_description Description of the error.
tracking Identifier used by Auth0 to find errors in internal logs.

Parameters presented vary depending on the error type and are specific to the request. For example, if the request did not contain a client_id and resulted in an error, no client ID will be returned by the error page.

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