Customize New Universal Login Text Prompts

Customize New Universal Login Text Prompts

The New Universal Login Experience consists of a set of pages that perform several account-related actions such as logging in, enrolling multi-factor authentication factors, or changing their password. The text displayed on those pages is provided by Auth0 in several languages.

In some cases, you may want to modify the text on these pages to better match your application's tone or specific needs.

Auth0 provides both an on-dashboard editor and an API to customize all the text displayed in the New Universal Login Experience for every supported language. The following definitions, values, and variables apply to both.

Configure prompts and screens

You can customize each of these prompts and screens via the Auth0 Dashboard or via the Auth0 API. Instructions for both options are below.

To customize New Universal Login text prompts via the Auth0 Dashboard, go to Auth0 Dashboard > Universal Login > Branding > Advanced Options, then click Custom Text.

Custom UI text settings for New Universal Login

Using the dropdown menus at the top, choose the Prompt and Screen that you want to edit, then make the changes directly on the Dashboard. You'll see a live preview of your changes to the right.

Once you're ready for your changes to appear on your production environment, click Save Changes.

Supported parameters

Parameter Definition
prompt The step in the login flow. For a list of available values, read Prompt values.
language The language that the customization applies to. For a list of available languages, read Universal Login Internationalization.
screen The specific screen within a prompt.
key The identifier of a text component.
text The message displayed to the user.

Prompt values

The term prompt refers to a specific step in the login flow. Each prompt has at least one screen, and each screen has a set of text components that you can customize.

The available prompt values are:


Screen: redeem-ticket

redeem-ticket reference screenshot

Text Key
Loading... pageTitle
Javascript is not enabled on your browser, please click button to continue. description
Continue buttonText

consent reference screenshot

Text Key
Authorize ${clientName} pageTitle
Authorize App title
Hi ${userName}, pickerTitle
Tenant and Audience selector audiencePickerAltText
${clientName} is requesting access to your account. messageMultipleTenants
${clientName} is requesting access to your ${companyName} account. messageSingleTenant
Accept acceptButtonText
Decline declineButtonText
${companyName} logoAltText
Invalid action invalid-action
Audience is required invalid-audience
Invalid scope, must be an array invalid-scope

Screen: device-code-activation

device-code-activation reference screenshot

Text Key
Enter your device code to log in ${clientName} pageTitle
Continue buttonText
Enter the code displayed on your device description
Enter your one-time code placeholder
Device Activation title
${companyName} logoAltText
Invalid or expired user code invalid-expired-code
Please enter the code displayed on your device no-code
The code you entered is invalid invalid-code

Screen: device-code-activation-allowed

device-code-activation-allowed reference screenshot

Text Key
Login successful ${clientName} pageTitle
Your device is now connected. description
Congratulations, you're all set! eventTitle

Screen: device-code-activation-denied

device-code-activation-denied reference screenshot

Text Key
Login error ${clientName} pageTitle
We are not able to activate your device. description
Activation Denied eventTitle

Screen: device-code-confirmation

device-code-confirmation reference screenshot

Text Key
Confirm your device code to log in ${clientName} pageTitle
Please confirm this is the code displayed on your ${clientName}: description
Secure code inputCodeLabel
Device Confirmation title
Confirm confirmButtonText
Cancel cancelButtonText
If you did not initiate this action or you do not recognize this device select cancel. confirmationText
${companyName} logoAltText

Screen: email-otp-challenge

email-otp-challenge reference screenshot

Text Key
Enter your email code to log in ${clientName} pageTitle
Continue buttonText
We've sent an email with your code to ${email} description
Enter the code placeholder
Resend resendActionText
Didn't receive an email? resendText
Verify Your Identity title
${companyName} logoAltText
OTP Code must have 6 numeric characters invalid-otp-code-format
The code you entered is invalid invalid-code
We couldn't verify the code. Please try again later. authenticator-error
You have exceeded the amount of emails. Wait a few minutes and try again. too-many-email

Screen: email-verification-result

email-verification-result reference screenshot

Text Key
Email verification status ${clientName} pageTitle
Email Verified verifiedTitle
Error errorTitle
Your email address was successfully verified. verifiedDescription
This account is already verified. alreadyVerifiedDescription
User account does not exist or the verification code is invalid. invalidAccountOrCodeDescription
Your email address could not be verified. unknownErrorDescription
Back to ${clientName} buttonText
This ticket was expired. auth0-users-expired-ticket
Something went wrong, please try again later. custom-script-error-code
This ticket was already used. auth0-users-used-ticket
Something went wrong, please try again later auth0-users-validation

Screen: accept-invitation

accept-invitation reference screenshot

Text Key
Accept your invitation to sign up ${clientName} pageTitle
You've Been Invited! title
${inviterName} has invited you (${email}) to join ${companyName} on ${clientName}. description
Continue buttonText
${companyName} logoAltText

Screen: login

login reference screenshot

Text Key
Log in ${clientName} pageTitle
Welcome title
Log in to ${companyName} to continue to ${clientName}. description
Or separatorText
Continue buttonText
Continue with {yourConnectionName} federatedConnectionButtonText
Sign up signupActionLinkText
Don't have an account? signupActionText
Forgot password? forgotPasswordText
Password passwordPlaceholder
Username or email address usernamePlaceholder
Email address emailPlaceholder
Edit editEmailText
Alerts alertListTitle
You've Been Invited! invitationTitle
Log in to accept ${inviterName}'s invitation to join ${companyName} on ${clientName}. invitationDescription
${companyName} logoAltText
Show password showPasswordText
Hide password hidePasswordText
Wrong username or password wrong-credentials
The code you entered is invalid invalid-code
Invalid or expired user code invalid-expired-code
Email is not valid. invalid-email-format
Wrong email or password wrong-email-credentials
Something went wrong, please try again later. custom-script-error-code
Something went wrong, please try again later auth0-users-validation
We are sorry, something went wrong when attempting to login authentication-failure
Invalid connection invalid-connection
We have detected suspicious login behavior and further attempts will be blocked. Please contact the administrator. ip-blocked
Invalid connection no-db-connection
We have detected a potential security issue with this account. To protect your account, we have prevented this login. Please reset your password to proceed. password-breached
Your account has been blocked after multiple consecutive login attempts. user-blocked
Too many login attempts for this user. Please wait, and try again later. same-user-login
Please enter an email address no-email
Password is required no-password
Username is required no-username

Screen: login-id

login-id reference screenshot

Text Key
Log in ${clientName} pageTitle
Welcome title
Log in to ${companyName} to continue to ${clientName}. description
Or separatorText
Continue buttonText
Continue with {yourConnectionName} federatedConnectionButtonText
Sign up signupActionLinkText
Don't have an account? signupActionText
Password passwordPlaceholder
Username or email address usernamePlaceholder
Email address emailPlaceholder
Phone number phonePlaceholder
Edit editEmailText
Alerts alertListTitle
Enter a valid phone number error-invalid-phone-number
${companyName} logoAltText
Wrong username or password wrong-credentials
The code you entered is invalid invalid-code
Invalid or expired user code invalid-expired-code
Email is not valid. invalid-email-format
Wrong email or password wrong-email-credentials
Something went wrong, please try again later. custom-script-error-code
Something went wrong, please try again later auth0-users-validation
We are sorry, something went wrong when attempting to login authentication-failure
Invalid connection invalid-connection
We have detected suspicious login behavior and further attempts will be blocked. Please contact the administrator. ip-blocked
Invalid connection no-db-connection
Email does not match any enterprise directory no-hrd-connection
We have detected a potential security issue with this account. To protect your account, we have prevented this login. Please reset your password to proceed. password-breached
Your account has been blocked after multiple consecutive login attempts. user-blocked
Too many login attempts for this user. Please wait, and try again later. same-user-login
Please enter an email address no-email
Password is required no-password
Username is required no-username

Screen: login-password

login-password reference screenshot

Text Key
Enter your password to log in ${clientName} pageTitle
Enter Your Password title
Enter your password for ${companyName} to continue to ${clientName} description
Or separatorText
Continue buttonText
Continue with {yourConnectionName} federatedConnectionButtonText
Sign up signupActionLinkText
Don't have an account? signupActionText
Forgot password? forgotPasswordText
Password passwordPlaceholder
Username or email address usernamePlaceholder
Email address emailPlaceholder
Edit editEmailText
Edit email address editLinkScreenReadableText
Alerts alertListTitle
You've Been Invited! invitationTitle
Log in to accept ${inviterName}'s invitation to join ${companyName} on ${clientName}. invitationDescription
${companyName} logoAltText
Use Fingerprint or Face Recognition useBiometricsText
Show password showPasswordText
Hide password hidePasswordText
Wrong username or password wrong-credentials
The code you entered is invalid invalid-code
Invalid or expired user code invalid-expired-code
Email is not valid. invalid-email-format
Wrong email or password wrong-email-credentials
Something went wrong, please try again later. custom-script-error-code
Something went wrong, please try again later auth0-users-validation
We are sorry, something went wrong when attempting to login authentication-failure
Invalid connection invalid-connection
We have detected suspicious login behavior and further attempts will be blocked. Please contact the administrator. ip-blocked
Invalid connection no-db-connection
We have detected a potential security issue with this account. To protect your account, we have prevented this login. Please reset your password to proceed. password-breached
Your account has been blocked after multiple consecutive login attempts. user-blocked
Too many login attempts for this user. Please wait, and try again later. same-user-login
Please enter an email address no-email
Password is required no-password
Username is required no-username

Screen: login-passwordless-email-code

login-passwordless-email-code reference screenshot

Text Key
Enter your email code to log in ${clientName} pageTitle
Continue buttonText
We've sent an email with your code to ${email} description
Enter the code placeholder
Resend resendActionText
Didn't receive an email? resendText
Verify Your Identity title
${companyName} logoAltText
Code is invalid invalid-verification-code
Code could not be sent. Please try again later. passwordless-authenticator-error
Something went wrong. Please try again later. passwordless-unknown-error

login-passwordless-email-link reference screenshot

Text Key
Email Sign In Link ${clientName} pageTitle
Email sent successTitle
Something went wrong errorTitle
Email sent. Check your inbox for a login link. description
Please try again later. unknownErrorDescription

Screen: login-passwordless-sms-otp

login-passwordless-sms-otp reference screenshot

Text Key
Enter your phone code to log in ${clientName} pageTitle
Verify Your Identity title
We've sent a text message to: description
Continue buttonText
Edit editText
Enter the 6-digit code placeholder
Resend resendActionText
Didn't receive a code? resendText
${companyName} logoAltText
Code is invalid invalid-verification-code
Code could not be sent. Please try again later. passwordless-authenticator-error
Something went wrong. Please try again later. passwordless-unknown-error

Screen: login-email-verification

login-email-verification reference screenshot

Text Key
Enter your email code to log in ${clientName} pageTitle
Continue buttonText
We've sent an email with your code to ${email} description
Enter the code placeholder
Resend resendActionText
Didn't receive an email? resendText
Verify Your Email title
${companyName} logoAltText
OTP Code must have 6 numeric characters invalid-otp-code-format
The code you entered is invalid invalid-code
Invalid or expired user code invalid-expired-code
We couldn't verify the code. Please try again later. authenticator-error
You have exceeded the amount of emails. Wait a few minutes and try again. too-many-email

Screen: logout

logout reference screenshot

Text Key
Logout ${clientName} pageTitle
Logout title
Hi ${userName}, userSalute
Are you sure you want to log out from ${clientName}? description
Yes acceptButtonText
No declineButtonText
${companyName} logoAltText

Screen: mfa-detect-browser-capabilities

mfa-detect-browser-capabilities reference screenshot

Text Key
Try another method pickAuthenticatorText
Reload reloadButtonText
JavaScript Required noJSErrorTitle
Your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please enable and press the Reload page button. noJSErrorDescription

Screen: mfa-enroll-result

mfa-enroll-result reference screenshot

Text Key
MFA enrollment status pageTitle
You're All Set! enrolledTitle
You have successfully added a new authentication factor. enrolledDescription
Invalid Link invalidTicketTitle
This link is invalid or expired. invalidTicketDescription
Expired Link expiredTicketTitle
This link is expired. expiredTicketDescription
Already used alreadyUsedTitle
This link has already been used. Please get a new link to enroll with Multi-factor Authentication. alreadyUsedDescription
Two-factor Verification has Already Been Enabled. alreadyEnrolledDescription
Something Went Wrong genericError

Screen: mfa-login-options

mfa-login-options reference screenshot

Text Key
List of other login methods ${clientName} pageTitle
Go back backText
Other Methods title
SMS authenticatorNamesSMS
Phone authenticatorNamesVoice
Phone authenticatorNamesPhone
Notification via ${appName} app authenticatorNamesPushNotification
Google Authenticator or similar authenticatorNamesOTP
Email authenticatorNamesEmail
Recovery code authenticatorNamesRecoveryCode
Notification via DUO app authenticatorNamesDUO
Security Key authenticatorNamesWebauthnRoaming
Fingerprint or Face Recognition authenticatorNamesWebauthnPlatform

Screen: mfa-begin-enroll-options

mfa-begin-enroll-options reference screenshot

Text Key
Add another authentication method ${clientName} pageTitle
Go back backText
Keep Your Account Safe title
Add another authentication method. description
${companyName} logoAltText
SMS authenticatorNamesSMS
Phone authenticatorNamesVoice
Phone authenticatorNamesPhone
Notification via ${appName} app authenticatorNamesPushNotification
Google Authenticator or similar authenticatorNamesOTP
Email authenticatorNamesEmail
Recovery code authenticatorNamesRecoveryCode
Notification via DUO app authenticatorNamesDUO
Security Key authenticatorNamesWebauthnRoaming
Fingerprint or Face Recognition authenticatorNamesWebauthnPlatform

Screen: mfa-email-challenge

mfa-email-challenge reference screenshot

Text Key
Enter your email code to log in ${clientName} pageTitle
Go Back backText
Continue buttonText
We've sent an email with your code to description
Try another method pickAuthenticatorText
Enter the code placeholder
Remember this device for 30 days rememberMeText
Resend resendActionText
Didn't receive an email? resendText
Verify Your Identity title
${companyName} logoAltText
OTP Code must have 6 numeric characters invalid-otp-code-format
The code you entered is invalid invalid-code
We couldn't verify the code. Please try again later. authenticator-error
Notification was not sent. Try resending the code. no-transaction-in-progress
You have exceeded the amount of emails. Wait a few minutes and try again. too-many-email
Your enrollment transaction expired, you will need to start again. transaction-not-found
We couldn't send the email. Please try again later. mfa-email-challenge-authenticator-error

Screen: mfa-email-list

mfa-email-list reference screenshot

Text Key
List of available email addresses ${clientName} pageTitle
Go back backText
Enrolled Email Addresses title

Screen: mfa-otp-enrollment-qr

mfa-otp-enrollment-qr reference screenshot

Text Key
Scan the code to log in using a one-time password ${clientName} pageTitle
Secure Your Account title
Scan the QR Code below using your preferred authenticator app and then enter the provided one-time code below. description
Continue buttonText
Trouble Scanning? codeEnrollmentText
Try another method pickAuthenticatorText
Enter your one-time code placeholder
Then separatorText
${companyName} logoAltText
OTP Code must have 6 numeric characters invalid-otp-code-format
The code you entered is invalid invalid-code
Too many failed codes. Wait for some minutes before retrying. too-many-failures
Your enrollment transaction expired, you will need to start again. transaction-not-found
You are already enrolled on MFA. user-already-enrolled

Screen: mfa-otp-enrollment-code

mfa-otp-enrollment-code reference screenshot

Text Key
Copy the code to log in using a one-time password ${clientName} pageTitle
Go back backText
Continue buttonText
Secure code to copy altText
Copy code copyCodeButtonText
Manually enter the following code into your preferred authenticator app and then enter the provided one-time code below. description
Try another method pickAuthenticatorText
Enter your one-time code placeholder
Secure Your Account title
${companyName} logoAltText
Too many failed codes. Wait for some minutes before retrying. too-many-failures
Your enrollment transaction expired, you will need to start again. transaction-not-found

Screen: mfa-otp-challenge

mfa-otp-challenge reference screenshot

Text Key
Enter your one-time password to log in ${clientName} pageTitle
Verify Your Identity title
Check your preferred one-time password application for a code. description
Continue buttonText
Try another method pickAuthenticatorText
Enter your one-time code placeholder
Remember this device for 30 days rememberMeText
${companyName} logoAltText
Use password usePasswordText
We couldn't verify the code. Please try again later. authenticator-error
Too many failed codes. Wait for some minutes before retrying. too-many-failures
Your enrollment transaction expired, you will need to start again. transaction-not-found

Screen: mfa-phone-challenge

mfa-phone-challenge reference screenshot

Text Key
Use your phone number to log in ${clientName} pageTitle
Verify Your Identity title
We will send a 6-digit code to the following phone number: description
Continue continueButtonText
Choose another phone number. changePhoneText
Text message smsButtonText
Voice call voiceButtonText
How do you want to receive the code? chooseMessageTypeText
Try another method pickAuthenticatorText
Enter your phone number placeholder
${companyName} logoAltText
There was a problem sending the SMS send-sms-failed
There was a problem making the voice call send-voice-failed
Phone number can only include digits. invalid-phone-format
It seems that your phone number is not valid. Please check and retry. invalid-phone
You have exceeded the maximum number of phone messages per hour. Wait a few minutes and try again. too-many-sms
You have exceeded the maximum number of phone messages per hour. Wait a few minutes and try again. too-many-voice
Your enrollment transaction expired, you will need to start again. transaction-not-found
Please enter a phone number no-phone

Screen: mfa-phone-enrollment

mfa-phone-enrollment reference screenshot

Text Key
Enter your phone number to log in using a phone code ${clientName} pageTitle
Secure Your Account title
Enter your country code and phone number to which we can send a 6-digit code: description
Continue continueButtonText
Text message smsButtonText
Voice call voiceButtonText
How do you want to receive the code? chooseMessageTypeText
Try another method pickAuthenticatorText
Enter your phone number placeholder
${companyName} logoAltText
There was a problem sending the SMS send-sms-failed
There was a problem making the voice call send-voice-failed
We couldn't send the SMS. Please try again later. sms-authenticator-error
Phone number can only include digits. invalid-phone-format
It seems that your phone number is not valid. Please check and retry. invalid-phone
You have exceeded the maximum number of phone messages per hour. Wait a few minutes and try again. too-many-sms
You have exceeded the maximum number of phone messages per hour. Wait a few minutes and try again. too-many-voice
Your enrollment transaction expired, you will need to start again. transaction-not-found
Please enter a phone number no-phone

Screen: mfa-push-welcome

mfa-push-welcome reference screenshot

Text Key
Install the application ${clientName} pageTitle
Secure Your Account title
In order to continue, install the ${appName} app via the app store from your mobile device. description
Google Play androidButtonText
Continue buttonText
App Store iosButtonText
Try another method pickAuthenticatorText
${companyName} logoAltText

Screen: mfa-push-enrollment-qr

mfa-push-enrollment-qr reference screenshot

Text Key
Scan the code to log in using a push notification ${clientName} pageTitle
Secure Your Account title
Scan the QR Code below using the ${appName} app on your mobile device. description
Try another method pickAuthenticatorText
Continue buttonText
${companyName} logoAltText
You must scan the QR code with the ${appName} app on your mobile device. enrollment-transaction-pending

Screen: mfa-push-challenge-push

mfa-push-challenge-push reference screenshot

Text Key
Accept the push notification to log in ${clientName} pageTitle
Verify Your Identity title
We’ve sent a notification to the following device via the ${appName} app: description
I've responded on my device buttonText
Try another method pickAuthenticatorText
Remember this device for 30 days rememberMeText
Resend resendActionText
Didn't receive a notification? resendText
Manually Enter Code enterOtpCode
OR separatorText
${companyName} logoAltText
You must accept the notification via the ${appName} app on your mobile device. challenge-transaction-pending
We have not received a confirmation, please slow down. polling-interval-exceeded
We have received too many notification requests. Wait a few minutes and try again. too-many-push
Your enrollment transaction expired, you will need to start again. transaction-not-found
We have not received a confirmation, please try scanning the code again. mfa-push-verify-transaction-pending
We couldn't verify the enrollment. Please try again later. mfa-push-verify-authenticator-error
We couldn't send the notification. Please try again later. mfa-push-challenge-authenticator-error
Notification rejected transaction-rejected

Screen: mfa-push-list

mfa-push-list reference screenshot

Text Key
List of available devices ${clientName} pageTitle
Go back backText
Registered Devices title

Screen: mfa-recovery-code-enrollment

mfa-recovery-code-enrollment reference screenshot

Text Key
Copy your recovery code for safe keeping ${clientName} pageTitle
Almost There! title
Copy this recovery code and keep it somewhere safe. You’ll need it if you ever need to log in without your device. description
Secure code to copy altText
Continue buttonText
I have safely recorded this code checkboxText
Copy code copyCodeButtonText
${companyName} logoAltText
Please confirm you have recorded the code no-confirmation

Screen: mfa-recovery-code-challenge

mfa-recovery-code-challenge reference screenshot

Text Key
Enter your recovery code to log in ${clientName} pageTitle
Verify Your Identity title
Enter the recovery code you were provided during your initial enrollment. description
Continue buttonText
Try another method pickAuthenticatorText
Enter your recovery code placeholder
${companyName} logoAltText
The code you entered is invalid invalid-code
Recovery code must have 24 alphanumeric characters invalid-code-format
We couldn't verify the code. Please try again later. authenticator-error
Please confirm you have recorded the code no-confirmation
Too many failed codes. Wait for some minutes before retrying. too-many-failures
Your enrollment transaction expired, you will need to start again. transaction-not-found

Screen: mfa-country-codes

mfa-country-codes reference screenshot

Text Key
Select your country code ${clientName} pageTitle
Go back backText
Select a Country Code title

Screen: mfa-sms-enrollment

mfa-sms-enrollment reference screenshot

Text Key
Enter your phone number to log in using a text message ${clientName} pageTitle
Secure Your Account title
Enter your phone number below. An SMS will be sent to that number with a code to enter on the next screen. description
Continue buttonText
Try another method pickAuthenticatorText
Enter your phone number placeholder
${companyName} logoAltText
There was a problem sending the SMS send-sms-failed
We couldn't send the SMS. Please try again later. sms-authenticator-error
Phone number can only include digits. invalid-phone-format
Seems that your phone number is not valid. Please check and retry. invalid-phone
You have exceeded the maximum number of phone messages per hour. Wait a few minutes and try again. too-many-sms
Your enrollment transaction expired, you will need to start again. transaction-not-found
Please enter a phone number no-phone

Screen: mfa-sms-challenge

mfa-sms-challenge reference screenshot

Text Key
Enter your phone code to log in ${clientName} pageTitle
Verify Your Identity title
We've sent a text message to: description
Continue buttonText
Edit editText
Edit phone number editLinkScreenReadableText
Try another method pickAuthenticatorText
Enter the 6-digit code placeholder
Remember this device for 30 days rememberMeText
Resend resendActionText
Didn't receive a code? resendText
or resendVoiceActionSeparatorTextBefore
get a call resendVoiceActionText
${companyName} logoAltText
OTP Code must have 6 numeric characters invalid-otp-code-format
The code you entered is invalid invalid-code
There was a problem sending the SMS send-sms-failed
We couldn't verify the code. Please try again later. authenticator-error
We couldn't send the SMS. Please try again later. sms-authenticator-error
Notification was not sent. Try resending the code. no-transaction-in-progress
Too many failed codes. Wait for some minutes before retrying. too-many-failures
You have exceeded the maximum number of phone messages per hour. Wait a few minutes and try again. too-many-sms
Your enrollment transaction expired, you will need to start again. transaction-not-found

Screen: mfa-sms-list

mfa-sms-list reference screenshot

Text Key
List of available phone numbers ${clientName} pageTitle
Go back backText
Enrolled Phone Numbers title

Screen: mfa-voice-enrollment

mfa-voice-enrollment reference screenshot

Text Key
Enter your phone number to log in using a phone code ${clientName} pageTitle
Secure Your Account title
Enter your phone number below. A voice call will be placed on that number with a code to enter on the next screen. description
Continue buttonText
Try another method pickAuthenticatorText
Enter your phone number placeholder
${companyName} logoAltText
There was a problem sending the SMS send-sms-failed
Phone number can only include digits. invalid-phone-format
Seems that your phone number is not valid. Please check and retry. invalid-phone
You have exceeded the maximum number of phone messages per hour. Wait a few minutes and try again. too-many-sms
Your enrollment transaction expired, you will need to start again. transaction-not-found
Please enter a phone number no-phone

Screen: mfa-voice-challenge

mfa-voice-challenge reference screenshot

Text Key
Enter your phone code to log in ${clientName} pageTitle
Verify Your Identity title
We've sent a 6-digit code via voice phone call to the following phone number: description
Continue buttonText
Edit editText
Edit phone number editLinkScreenReadableText
Choose another phone number. changePhoneText
Try another method pickAuthenticatorText
Enter the 6-digit code placeholder
Remember this device for 30 days rememberMeText
Call again resendActionText
Didn't receive a call? resendText
or resendSmsActionSeparatorTextBefore
send a text resendSmsActionText
${companyName} logoAltText
OTP Code must have 6 numeric characters invalid-otp-code-format
The code you entered is invalid invalid-code
There was a problem making the voice call send-voice-failed
We couldn't verify the code. Please try again later. authenticator-error
We couldn't make the voice call. Please try again later. voice-authenticator-error
Notification was not sent. Try resending the code. no-transaction-in-progress
Too many failed codes. Wait for some minutes before retrying. too-many-failures
You have exceeded the maximum number of phone messages per hour. Wait a few minutes and try again. too-many-voice
Your enrollment transaction expired, you will need to start again. transaction-not-found

Screen: mfa-webauthn-platform-enrollment

mfa-webauthn-enrollment reference screenshot

Text Key
Log in faster on this device ${clientName} pageTitle
Log In Faster on This Device title
Trust this device? You can quickly and securely log in the next time using this device's fingerprint or face recognition. description
Awaiting device confirmation awaitingConfirmation
${companyName} logoAltText
Continue continueButtonText
Try another method pickAuthenticatorText
Remind me later snoozeEnrollmentButtonText
Not on this device refuseAddingDeviceText
Not now skipAddingDeviceText
We could not start the device enrollment. Please try again later. webauthn-platform-associate-error

Screen: mfa-webauthn-roaming-enrollment

mfa-webauthn-guidance-enrollment reference screenshot

Text Key
Register your security key ${clientName} pageTitle
Adding Your Security Key title
Security Keys can be used as an additional authentication factor. description
Awaiting Security Key awaitingConfirmation
${companyName} logoAltText
Use security key continueButtonText
Try another method pickAuthenticatorText
Connect your Security Key and continue. instructions1
Follow the steps on the browser. instructions2
Name your Security Key to easily identify it later. instructions3
We could not start the security key enrollment. Please try again later. webauthn-associate-error

Screen: mfa-webauthn-platform-challenge

mfa-webauthn-challenge-user-initiated reference screenshot

Text Key
Use fingerprint or face recognition to login ${clientName} title
Press the button below and follow your browser's steps to log in. description
Awaiting device confirmation awaitingConfirmation
Too many failed authentication attempts. Please try again later. too-many-webauthn-challenge-attempts-error
${companyName} logoAltText
Continue continueButtonText
Try another method pickAuthenticatorText
Use password usePasswordText
Remember this device for 30 days rememberMeText
We could not start the device verification. Please try again later. webauthn-platform-challenge-error

Screen: mfa-webauthn-roaming-challenge

mfa-webauthn-challenge-user-initiated reference screenshot

Text Key
Use your security key to log in ${clientName} pageTitle
Verify Your Identity title
Make sure your Security Key is nearby. Once you continue, you will be prompted to use it. description
Awaiting Security Key awaitingConfirmation
Too many failed authentication attempts. Please try again later. too-many-webauthn-challenge-attempts-error
${companyName} logoAltText
Use security key continueButtonText
Try another method pickAuthenticatorText
Remember this device for 30 days rememberMeText
We could not start the security key verification. Please try again later. webauthn-challenge-error

Screen: mfa-webauthn-change-key-nickname

mfa-webauthn-change-key-nickname reference screenshot

Text Key
Name your security key ${clientName} title
If you own multiple keys, this alias will help you identify the right one. description
${userName}'s key nickname
Security key name nicknamePlaceholder
Name your device ${clientName}
If you own multiple devices, this alias will help you identify the right one. descriptionPlatform
${userName}'s ${deviceName} nicknamePlatform
Device name nicknamePlaceholderPlatform
Continue buttonText
${companyName} logoAltText
We could not update your key's name. Please try again. webauthn-patch-nickname-error
We could not update your Device's name. Please try again. webauthn-platform-patch-nickname-error
Name is required no-nickname
Name is too short nickname-too-short
Name is too long nickname-too-long
An error occurred while retrieving your information. Please try again. error-while-retrieving-authenticator
An error occurred while trying to save the name . Please try again. error-while-patching

Screen: mfa-webauthn-enrollment-success

mfa-webauthn-enrollment-success reference screenshot

Text Key
Security key successful ${clientName} title
Device registration successful ${clientName} titlePlatform
You have successfully registered your Security Key. description
You have successfully registered your device. descriptionPlatform
Continue buttonText
${companyName} logoAltText

Screen: mfa-webauthn-error

mfa-webauthn-error reference screenshot

Text Key
Try again tryAgainLinkText
Try another method pickAuthenticatorText
Security key registration error ${clientName}
Security Key Verification Failed errorTitleChallenge
Device registration error ${clientName}
Something Went Wrong errorTitlePlatformChallenge
Something went wrong. Please try again or try using another method. description
If you already registered this device, please try again. If not, try using another method. descriptionPlatform
No Thanks refuseAddingAuthenticatorText
Use password usePasswordText

Screen: mfa-webauthn-not-available-error

mfa-webauthn-not-available-error reference screenshot

Text Key
Security keys are not supported ${clientName} pageTitle
Security Keys Are Not Supported errorTitle
We are sorry but your browser or device does not support Security Keys. Try using another browser or log in from another device. errorDescription
Try another method pickAuthenticatorText
Use password usePasswordText

Screen: organization-selection

organization-selection reference screenshot

Text Key
Enter your organization ${clientName} pageTitle
Continue buttonText
Enter your ${companyName} Organization Name to continue description
Enter your Organization Name placeholder
Enter Organization title
${companyName} logoAltText
The organization you entered is invalid invalid-organization

Screen: reset-password-request

reset-password-request reference screenshot

Text Key
Reset your password ${clientName} pageTitle
Forgot Your Password? title
Back to ${clientName} backToLoginLinkText
Continue buttonText
Enter your email address and we will send you instructions to reset your password. descriptionEmail
Enter your username and we will send you instructions to reset your password. descriptionUsername
Email address placeholderEmail
Username placeholderUsername
${companyName} logoAltText
Email is not valid. invalid-email-format
This ticket was expired. auth0-users-expired-ticket
Something went wrong, please try again later. custom-script-error-code
This ticket was already used. auth0-users-used-ticket
Something went wrong, please try again later auth0-users-validation
We had a problem sending the email, please try again later. reset-password-error
You have exceeded the amount of emails. Wait a few minutes and try again. too-many-email
You have exceeded the amount of emails. Wait a few minutes and try again. too-many-requests
Please enter an email address no-email
Username is required no-username

Screen: reset-password-email

reset-password-email reference screenshot

Text Key
Check your email ${clientName} pageTitle
Check Your Email title
Please check the email address ${email} for instructions to reset your password. emailDescription
Resend email resendLinkText
Please check the email address associated with the username ${email} for instructions to reset your password. usernameDescription

Screen: reset-password

reset-password reference screenshot

Text Key
Reset your password ${clientName} pageTitle
Change Your Password title
Enter a new password below to change your password. description
Reset password buttonText
New password passwordPlaceholder
Re-enter new password reEnterpasswordPlaceholder
Your password must contain: passwordSecurityText
${companyName} logoAltText
Show password showPasswordText
Hide password hidePasswordText
This ticket was expired. auth0-users-expired-ticket
Something went wrong, please try again later. custom-script-error-code
This ticket was already used. auth0-users-used-ticket
Something went wrong, please try again later auth0-users-validation
New password confirmation is missing no-re-enter-password
Password contains user information password-contains-user-information

Screen: reset-password-success

reset-password-success reference screenshot

Text Key
Password reset successful ${clientName} pageTitle
Password Changed! eventTitle
Your password has been changed successfully. description
Back to ${clientName} buttonText

Screen: reset-password-error

reset-password-error reference screenshot

Text Key
Password reset error ${clientName} pageTitle
Back to ${clientName} backToLoginLinkText
To reset your password, return to the login page and select "Forgot Your Password" to send a new email. descriptionExpired
To reset your password, return to the login page and select "Forgot Your Password" to send a new email. descriptionGeneric
This link has already been used. To reset your password, return to the login page and select "Forgot Your Password" to send a new email. descriptionUsed
Link Expired eventTitleExpired
Invalid Link eventTitleGeneric
Invalid Link eventTitleUsed
This ticket was expired. auth0-users-expired-ticket
Something went wrong, please try again later. custom-script-error-code
This ticket was already used. auth0-users-used-ticket
Something went wrong, please try again later auth0-users-validation
We had a problem sending the email, please try again later. reset-password-error

Screen: signup

signup reference screenshot

Text Key
Sign up ${clientName} pageTitle
Welcome title
Sign Up to ${companyName} to continue to ${clientName}. description
Or separatorText
Continue buttonText
Email address emailPlaceholder
Continue with {yourConnectionName} federatedConnectionButtonText
Log in loginActionLinkText
Already have an account? loginActionText
Password passwordPlaceholder
Your password must contain: passwordSecurityText
Username usernamePlaceholder
${companyName} logoAltText
Show password showPasswordText
Hide password hidePasswordText
The user already exists. email-in-use
Email is not valid. invalid-email-format
The password is too weak password-too-weak
The password is too weak password-policy-not-conformant
The password is too common password-too-common
Password has previously been used password-previously-used
Passwords don't match password-mismatch
Password contains user information password-contains-user-information
Username can only contain alphanumeric characters or: '${characters}'. Username should have between ${min} and ${max} characters. invalid-username
The username must not be longer than ${max} characters. invalid-username-max-length
The username must have at least ${min} characters. invalid-username-min-length
The username has invalid characters. invalid-username-invalid-characters
The username cannot be an email. invalid-username-email-not-allowed
The username provided is in use already. username-taken
Something went wrong, please try again later. custom-script-error-code
Something went wrong, please try again later auth0-users-validation
Invalid connection invalid-connection
We have detected suspicious login behavior and further attempts will be blocked. Please contact the administrator. ip-blocked
Too many signups from the same IP ip-signup-blocked
Invalid connection no-db-connection
Please enter an email address no-email
Password is required no-password
New password confirmation is missing no-re-enter-password
Username is required no-username
This combination of credentials was detected in a public data breach on another website. Before your account is created, please use a different password to keep it secure. password-breached

Screen: signup-id

signup-id reference screenshot

Text Key
Sign up ${clientName} pageTitle
Create Your Account title
Sign Up to ${companyName} to continue to ${clientName}. description
Or separatorText
Continue buttonText
Phone number phonePlaceholder
Email address emailPlaceholder
Continue with {yourConnectionName} federatedConnectionButtonText
Log in loginActionLinkText
Already have an account? loginActionText
Password passwordPlaceholder
Your password must contain: passwordSecurityText
Username usernamePlaceholder
Enter a valid phone number error-invalid-phone-number
${companyName} logoAltText
The user already exists. email-in-use
Email is not valid. invalid-email-format
The password is too weak password-too-weak
The password is too weak password-policy-not-conformant
The password is too common password-too-common
Password has previously been used password-previously-used
Passwords don't match password-mismatch
Username can only contain alphanumeric characters or: '${characters}'. Username should have between ${min} and ${max} characters. invalid-username
The username must not be longer than ${max} characters. invalid-username-max-length
The username must have at least ${min} characters. invalid-username-min-length
The username has invalid characters. invalid-username-invalid-characters
The username cannot be an email. invalid-username-email-not-allowed
The username provided is in use already. username-taken
Something went wrong, please try again later. custom-script-error-code
Something went wrong, please try again later auth0-users-validation
Invalid connection invalid-connection
We have detected suspicious login behavior and further attempts will be blocked. Please contact the administrator. ip-blocked
Too many signups from the same IP ip-signup-blocked
Invalid connection no-db-connection
Email does not match any enterprise directory no-hrd-connection
Please enter an email address no-email
Password is required no-password
New password confirmation is missing no-re-enter-password
Username is required no-username

Screen: signup-password

signup-password reference screenshot

Text Key
Create a password to sign up ${clientName} pageTitle
Create Your Account title
Set your password for ${companyName} to continue to ${clientName} description
Or separatorText
Continue buttonText
Email address emailPlaceholder
Edit editEmailText
Edit email address editLinkScreenReadableText
Continue with {yourConnectionName} federatedConnectionButtonText
Log in loginActionLinkText
Already have an account? loginActionText
Password passwordPlaceholder
Your password must contain: passwordSecurityText
Username usernamePlaceholder
Accept your invitation to sign up ${clientName} invitationTitle
Sign Up to accept ${inviterName}'s invitation to join ${companyName} on ${clientName}. invitationDescription
${companyName} logoAltText
Show password showPasswordText
Hide password hidePasswordText
The user already exists. email-in-use
Email is not valid. invalid-email-format
The password is too weak password-too-weak
The password is too weak password-policy-not-conformant
The password is too common password-too-common
Password has previously been used password-previously-used
Passwords don't match password-mismatch
Password contains user information password-contains-user-information
Username can only contain alphanumeric characters or: '${characters}'. Username should have between ${min} and ${max} characters. invalid-username
The username must not be longer than ${max} characters. invalid-username-max-length
The username must have at least ${min} characters. invalid-username-min-length
The username has invalid characters. invalid-username-invalid-characters
The username cannot be an email. invalid-username-email-not-allowed
The username provided is in use already. username-taken
Something went wrong, please try again later. custom-script-error-code
Something went wrong, please try again later auth0-users-validation
Invalid connection invalid-connection
We have detected suspicious login behavior and further attempts will be blocked. Please contact the administrator. ip-blocked
Too many signups from the same IP ip-signup-blocked
Invalid connection no-db-connection
Please enter an email address no-email
Password is required no-password
New password confirmation is missing no-re-enter-password
Username is required no-username
This combination of credentials was detected in a public data breach on another website. Before your account is created, please use a different password to keep it secure. password-breached


Some screens have variables in the text that are replaced at runtime based on context information. The available variables are different for each screen, so it is not guaranteed that they will work anywhere other than the screens they originally appear in.

Variable Description
${clientName} Auth0 Application Name
${connectionName} Connection Name (e.g. Google)
${tenantName} Auth0 Tenant name
${organizationName} Name of the user’s organization if the user is authenticating in the context of an Organization
${companyName} Auth0 Tenant name, or Organization name if the user is authenticating in the context of an Organization
${userName} Name of the logged user
${email} Email of the logged user
${appName} Name of the custom Guardian Push application

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