Customize New Universal Login with the No-Code Editor

Customize New Universal Login with the No-Code Editor

With Auth0's No-Code Editor, you can style widgets in the New Universal Login experience to fit your brand. You can personalize the color, font, borders, and backgrounds of the widgets your customers see for login, password reset, authentication, and more.

To customize Universal Login prompts, navigate to Auth0 Dashboard > Branding > Customizations.


The Style panel on the left allows you to choose the UI element you want to customize. Select the option to generate the configuration panel on the right.


Select an input field to change the color of the element. To choose specific colors, you can:

  • Use the color picker.

  • Input the Hex code or RGB value.

  • Select the eyedropper tool to choose a color from your screen for the available elements.

Element Description
Primary button Fills primary button, or button that triggers the next action, with color choice.
Primary button label Changes color of text within primary button.
Secondary button border Changes border on input fields.
Secondary button label Changes text within clickable secondary fields.
Links and focused components Changes text color of links that lead users to trigger another workflow, such as reset password or try another authentication method.
Base focus color Changes the color of buttons when the mouse hovers over the button before selection.
Base hover color Changes the color of a button when user clicks on it.
Header Changes the text color of the title in the header.
Body text Changes the text color of body text.
Widget background Changes the background color of widgets.
Widget border Changes the border color of the widgets.
Input labels and placeholders Changes the text of input field labels and placeholder text.
Input filled text Changes text color users type in input fields. For example, username and password fields.
Input border Changes border color of input fields.
Input background Changes background color of input fields.
Icons Changes color of icons inside input fields.
Error Changes color of error messages within widgets.
Success Changes color of success message within widgets.

Once you make a change, the preview window displays several examples of the widgets with your specified changes.

To change the default font, enter the URL to any WOFF (Web Open Font Format) file in the input field. Your WOFF files need to be hosted using a CDN with CORS enabled or a hosting site with Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.

Under the font URL panel, adjust the general text size under the Reference text size pixel option. You should note the rest of the options do not change when the reference text is changed.

Change the following elements individually:

  • Title

  • Subtitle

  • Body Text

  • Button Text

  • Input Labels

  • Links

When you select an option to configure, the preview pane displays the location of the element on the widget and adjusts to the specified size.

To customize the borders, buttons styles, input fields, and widget corners adjust the slider or choose from the available options.

Option Description
Button border weight Adjusts width of border around input fields inside login prompts.
Buttons style Changes shape of clickable buttons inside widgets. Available options are: sharp corners, rounded corners, or pill-shaped style.
Button border radius Adjusts corners of clickable buttons when you select rounded corners.
Input border weight Adjusts width of borders of input fields and clickable buttons inside login prompts.
Inputs style Changes shape of input fields inside login prompts. Available options are: sharp corners, rounded corners, or pill-shaped style.
Input border radius Adjusts corners of input fields when you select rounded corners.
Widget corner radius Changes shape of the widget from sharp to rounded corners.
Widget border weight Adjusts width of widget border.
Shadow Checkbox to allow widgets to have a shadow.

Add the URL of your logo to configure the position, height, text alignment, and social login location.

Element Description
Logo position Choose the location of the widget to be on the left, right, or center of the page. You can also choose to hide the logo.
Logo URL Enter the URL location of your custom logo. Auth0 recommends SVG files.
Logo Height Adjust the size of your logo at the top of the widget.
Header Text Alignment Choose if text within the header should be left, right, or center justified.
Social Buttons Layout Choose if text should be at the top or bottom of the button.

Add a background image URL to choose a background to display in the prompt widget. The No-Code Editor supports other image formats such as PNGs and JPEGs.

Then, choose if the widget aligns center, left, or right on the screen.

Save and publish

The Save and publish option stores your changes and publishes for use in your tenant. You must save and publish before using the Try option.

Review changes

The Try option allows you to review your login experience and test functionality of your screens in a new browser tab. You can test screens not available in center preview window. If you cannot select the option, you must make or save changes first.


Use the Discard option to remove recent changes or you can choose to reset the prompts back to default.