Create Custom Enrollment Tickets

Create Custom Enrollment Tickets

You can manage users' enrollments by creating enrollment tickets via the MFA API /Guardian/post_ticket endpoint. This API will return an enrollment ticket containing a ticket_id and a ticket_url, which can be used to enroll a user. The ticket_url can be delivered to the user (for example, via email) and used to kick off the enrollment process. Tickets expire after 5 days. A user who receives a ticket will only be able to enroll once. Further enrollments must be made via the MFA API.

If you are using the Classic Universal Login experience and you need to customize how the page looks when the user navigates to the ticket_url, you can edit the MFA page. Go to the Dashboard > Branding > Universal Login > Multi-factor Authentication tab, and modify the ticket variable. Here is an example:

{% if ticket %}
<h4 class="message">Welcome, {{ }}, enroll your device below</h4>
{% else %}
<h4 class="message">Welcome back, {{ }}, authenticate below</h4>
{% endif %}

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