Service Levels

Service Levels

Here is a summary of the key elements of Auth0’s Service Level Agreement (SLA) for both Enterprise Public Cloud and Enterprise Private Cloud deployments of the Auth0 platform. For full details, please see the Service Level Descriptions in Auth0 Legal.

The average availability of certain core services of the Auth0 platform for each month will be at least 99.99%. If Auth0 fails to meet its availability service level during any given calendar month, you may request a service level credit within 10 days of the event. Auth0 will provide you with credit as described in the table below. If any credits are not used upon the expiration of your subscription, then we will apply the credits to any other fees or expenses you owe us. If there are no such other fees or expenses then we will refund the credit amount.

Availability Level Service Level Credit
< 99.99% - >= 99.9% 5.0% of the Monthly Subscription Fee applicable to the calendar month in which an applicable service disruption occurred
< 99.9% - >= 99.0% 10.0% of the Monthly Subscription Fee applicable to the calendar month in which an applicable service disruption occurred
< 99.0% - >= 95.0% 20.0% of the Monthly Subscription Fee applicable to the calendar month in which an applicable service disruption occurred
< 95% 50.0% of the Monthly Subscription Fee applicable to the calendar month in which an applicable service disruption occurred

If you experience an event that you believe brings you below the aforementioned Availability Levels, please contact your Auth0 Technical Account Manager.

If you require a Private instance of Auth0, please contact Auth0 Sales for additional information.

Visit the Auth0 Status Page to read current and historical uptime information for the Public Cloud environment.