Support Channels

Support Channels

Auth0 offers the following support channels.

Auth0 status

The Auth0 status page contains information on current production status and will be updated during an outage. After an outage, a root-cause analysis is performed and made available via the page.

Please check the status page before filing a ticket. If the status page contains a notification about an outage, our team will already be working on restoring service as quickly as possible. Once the issue is resolved, the status page will be updated to reflect that. There is a button on the page to subscribe to notifications of any changes. A root-cause analysis will be published to the status page once an investigation has been done.

Auth0 Community

Auth0's public question and answer community offers support for all subscribers. All customers, even those on free tenants, can search through existing questions and post a new question if theirs hasn't been answered. There are no guaranteed response times for questions posted.

Auth0 security bulletins

You can see a list of Auth0 security bulletins that address security vulnerabilities of Auth0 software. Each bulletin contains a description of the vulnerability, how to identify if you are affected and what to do to fix it. See Auth0 Security for details.

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