SSO Integrations for Partners

SSO Integrations for Partners

SSO (single sign-on) integrations use an Auth0 identity to log in, via SAML, to an external service. This allows customers with internal applications to use SSO to access third-party vendors using the Auth0 identity.

The SSO integrations available on Marketplace define both the standard SAML configuration values needed to connect Auth0 to external vendors, and the fields necessary for additional customer-specific values. In these integrations, Auth0 acts as the identity provider in a service provider (SP)-initiated scenario. To learn how to configure Auth0 for these integrations, see Configure Auth0 as a SAML Identity Provider.

The part that our partners will provide is the default SAML configuration to make this transaction work. This will consist of values or customer-requested fields for some or all of the attributes listed in Customize SAML Assertions: SAML Assertion Attributes.

To build and test an integration, create a tenant in Auth0 and follow the documentation above to create a working SSO integration with your service.

Submit your SSO Integration

Once you have an integration working, Auth0 will work with you to publish the integration in the Auth0 Marketplace. When you submit your integration you must provide this information:

  1. The business and marketing content for your Auth0 Marketplace listing. This includes your company's description and logo and describes what the integration does.

  2. The code and configuration you used for the integration. Partners typically submit the code using GitHub.

  3. An installation guide in Markdown format with instructions on how to configure your service to work with Auth0. Please follow our Writing Tips for Installation Guides when you create this document.

If you're ready to become a partner and submit your integration to list in the Auth0 Marketplace, please fill out the Auth0 Marketplace support center. If you ware a new partner, you will need to Apply to become a Marketplace partner, after that you can fill out the "Submit a new Integration" form with the information described above.

We will need the following configuration and documentation:

  • The JSON used to configure the working SAML add-on Application

  • A list of fields that should be shown to the customer configuring the integration (like Callback URL, Audience, and Signing Certificate)

  • An installation guide written in Markdown following the SSO Integration installation guide template