Point AD/LDAP Connector to Auth0 Connections

Point AD/LDAP Connector to Auth0 Connections

You may need to point your AD/LDAP Connector instance to a new connection in Auth0, for example, If you have migrated to a new Auth0 tenant, or if you changed the name of the Auth0 connection. Because you can't rename connections in Auth0, you must create a new AD/ LDAP connection and point your existing Connector instances to it.

  1. Create the new AD/LDAP connection in the Auth0 dashboard and copy the resulting TICKET URL. If you are using the custom domains, you will need to replace the {yourDomain} part of the TICKET URL with your custom domain, such as identity.fabrikam.com.

  2. On the AD/LDAP Connector host in the Connector Admin app, perform an export of the existing settings via the Import / Export tab. This is just a precaution in case something were to happen in the following steps that would accidentally overwrite your custom settings. If you are running the Connector on a host that does not have a web browser to access to the Connector Admin website, simply make a copy of your config.json file.

  3. On the AD/LDAP Connector host, edit the config.json file and change the value of the PROVISIONING_TICKET property to the TICKET URL you copied in Step 1.

  4. If you moved from one Auth0 tenant to another, remove the property in the config.json file that has the name urn:auth0:{oldAuth0TenantName}. If this is not removed, the Connector will still function but this old configuration data is not needed.

  5. Restart the AD/LDAP Connector service (the Auth0 ADLDAP service in Windows).

  6. Take a look at the Connector logs (Troubleshooting tab in the Connector Admin tool or tail the logs.log file) and make sure there is a recent entry that looks something like: 2016-03-10T22:47:32.970Z - debug: [2016-03-10 22:47:32] Loading settings from ticket: {yourTicketUrl}/info

  7. Make sure the new AD/LDAP connection in the Auth0 dashboard is now showing as connected (the dot to the left of the new connection is green and not red).

  8. Perform a test authentication through your new connection and make sure you see activity in your Connector logs as well.

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