Import and Export AD/LDAP Connector Configurations

Import and Export AD/LDAP Connector Configurations

You can export the AD/LDAP Connector configuration or import a previously exported configuration. This is useful for deployments with more than one node of the AD/LDAP Connector deployed for high availability. You can set up and test the configuration on one node then export the working configuration and imported into all subsequent nodes.

  1. From a browser, go to http://localhost:8357 to launch the Connector Admin Console on the AD/LDAP Connector server.

  2. Click Import / Export tab.

  3. Export a .zip file that contains the config.json file, the certs folder and the lib\\profileMapper.js file from the %Program Files(x86)%\Auth0\AD LDAP Connector\ folder.

  4. To import, upload a backup .zip file on the Import / Export tab.

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